The Best Fat Loss Peptides (If You Are Already Lean)

How to take your fat loss to the next level

A lot of the peptide questions I get are centered around fat loss….

Which is not surprising in the slightest.

With obesity rates in America currently hovering around 40% and the rate of overweight individuals tacking an extra 30% or so onto that, almost everyone could stand to lose a bit more flab.

And for the last year or so, there’s been one group of peptides that have been on everyone’s lips for fat loss…

So much so that I don’t even need to say what they are 😁

I think at this point you know that I’m all for them (check out my video breakdown of Tirzepatide if you haven’t already).

And you probably know that I recommend their use for the vast majority of individuals.

But here’s the thing…

What if you’re NOT obese?

Hell, what if (shock and awe) you’re not even OVERWEIGHT?

What if you’re already a relatively lean individual who wants to get LEANER?

What if you’re a male hovering around 10-15% body fat (or a female around 20% body fat) and you want to get down to that coveted sub-10% range?

Because you may have noticed that most of the amazing stories that you hear about GLP-1 agonists tend to be “zero to hero” stories.

Stories of people going from an obese metabolic emergency to a healthy body weight (and they are truly incredible stories).

And for a lot of these individuals, simply getting on a GLP-1 agonist and squashing their hunger and cravings will do about 75% of the heavy lifting.

The question is, what about YOU?

How does the calculation change when you want to take that next step?

Here’s my take on it…

First of all, if you’re at this point, congratulations!

Because if you saw those statistics I pointed out and you can do basic math, you’ll know that you’re in a pretty small minority.

As for the peptides I recommend for you, here’s what I’d tell you.

✅ First of all, yes, you can keep using a GLP-1 agonist like tirzepatide

At the end of the day, these peptides are still the most powerful appetite suppressants I’ve ever seen.

And when it comes to getting SUPER lean, appetite is going to be one of the main impediments standing in your way.

But as you start to move up to the more advanced levels of fat loss, your supplement, training, and peptide protocol need to be advancing along with it.

✅ And tesamorelin, ipamorelin and AOD-9604 (use code hunter15 for 15% off the last two) are fantastic additions to your arsenal

Because while tirzepatide is indeed awesome for driving a caloric deficit, these additional peptides go the extra mile and help accelerate the fat BURNING side of the equation.

So you’re hitting your fat loss from both ends.

Tesamorelin in particular is fantastic because it targets belly fat specifically.

And let’s be honest, when it comes to taking that last 10-20 pounds off, it’s that stubborn belly fat that’s the real kicker.

You can check out the free video I made on it HERE.

And if you want to pick up either tesamorelin or tirzepatide, you’ll have to join Limitless Life Nootropics VIP Peptides Club (joining is completely free)

✅  Looking for a program to help get you to your goal?

Check out the 30 Days 2 Shredz Masterclass that my good friend and mentor Jay Campbell and I put together.

Both Jay and I have used this program to get into our leanest condition ever in less than a month.

And I’m confident that if you’re already relative, you can get similar results.

If you want to see what an advanced peptide and supplement protocol for fat loss really looks like, then this is for you.

Good luck and have an amazing week!


Hunter Williams