Is Boredom Making You Fat?

How to avoid this common trap

A few days ago I dropped an email all about the SPIRITUAL nature of the obesity epidemic.

You see, when it comes to weight gain - and the reasons why people get and stay fat - we very often default to hunger as the go-to explanation.

There’s absolutely no doubt that most people’s appetite signaling has gone completely haywire thanks to our modern world of hyper-palatable food.

But there are other reasons as well:

Most people who grew up overweight used food as an emotional coping mechanism for unresolved trauma.

And they continue to use that faulty mechanism well into adulthood, keeping them trapped in a vicious cycle.

This got me thinking…

What are some OTHER reasons people get and stay fat? 🤔

Well, there’s one that is a struggle for many people…but it’s something most don’t consider.


Let me ask you this.

Have you ever finished a huge lunch or dinner…

Only to go to your cupboard two hours later to get a snack.

I’ve done it 🙋‍♂️

I’m sure most people reading this have done it.

So why do we do it?

After all, there’s NO WAY you could tell me you’re still hungry two hours after taking down a 1000-calorie meal.

Simple - you’re bored 😑

You’re bored, and you’re looking for a little dopamine hit.

For many people, this dopamine hit comes from food.

And when you repeat that pattern for long enough, it becomes ingrained.

Look, the sad truth is that most people’s daily behavior is largely on autopilot.

You think the same thoughts, do the same things, go to the same places…and engage in the same eating patterns.

And if you ever want to get LEAN, these are patterns you need to break.

Now, there are a few strategies I can think of to break out of this.

One of the most obvious would be to find a healthy replacement for the food.

Nothing like replacing your snacking with a quick session on the stationary bike to boost your cardio.

Or going out for a walk in nature.

But while that’s a great idea (and something you should implement), it takes time to rewire those habits and get the same dopamine hit from the healthy activity as you did from the Snickers bar.

This is where peptides come in handy.

Want to know one of the most beautiful things about GLP-1 agonists?

It’s that they work across multiple modalities.

Not only do they crush hunger and squash cravings, but they also go to work on the body’s reward system.

This is why people on tirzepatide regularly report NOT feeling the same desire to engage in “boredom eating”.

And it’s not just food…

Whether it’s smoking, drinking, or simply doomscrolling, we now have case study after case study of GLP-1 users breaking their bad habits.

But there’s also another NON-peptide that I absolutely love, and that’s tesofensine.

For those of you who haven’t heard of it, check out this video I did.

Tesofensine is a triple serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine reuptake inhibitor that works in several ways.

But one of the BIG things it does is boost dopamine in the brain.

And when that happens, you’ll find that you’re much less likely to hit up your pantry for little dopamine hits throughout the day.

Seriously, I’ve used this stuff extensively - you don’t even think about food at all while you’re on it.

And the best part?

It’s also a POWERFUL nootropic that increases concentration and attention

Pretty hard to get up and raid the fridge when you’re RUTHLESSLY focused on your work 😁

👉 Both tirzepatide and tesofensine are ONLY available through Limitless Life Nootropics VIP Peptides club

👉 Click HERE to register or log in if you’re already a member


Hunter Williams

P.S. Check out Episode 4 of Jay and I’s mega series with Laura-Knight Jadczyk. It launched today.