How My Client Lost 50 Lbs In 3 Months

Why it’s so damn hard for most people

I have A LOT of compassion for the obese.

I know this might come as a bit of a surprise.

After all, if you follow me, you might have gotten a sense I draw a pretty firm line in the sand.

Let’s face it, the stuff we’re doing around here?

It ain’t exactly normal 😁

Most normal people haven’t even heard about peptides, much less actually pulled the trigger and bought them.

Most normal don’t even know you can optimize your testosterone (and if they do, they think it’s “steroids”).

No, my material is not for normal people…

It’s for EXCEPTIONAL people.

It’s for those who desire more and who desire to do better with their lives.

The sad truth is most people look at what I do and think I’m an absolute circus monkey…

Yet they look at an obese person like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Nonetheless, just because I occupy a completely different space than the obese, doesn’t mean I don’t have tremendous COMPASSION for them.

Look, nobody WANTS to be 400 pounds.

Most people who are obese or overweight have been so their whole life.

Yeah, yeah, I know - the fat acceptance movement will peddle the lie about how going through life weighing the equivalent of a small gorilla is just fantastic…

But it’s a cop out.

Even if they’re not morbidly obese, deep down EVERY single fat person desperately wishes they were slimmer…

And they’d do almost anything to get out.

They’d do anything to BE LEAN.

Which brings me to the subject of this email.

I have a client named Ben.

Ben started working with me in January.

And he was a MESS.

He tipped the scales at over 400 pounds, he was miserable, and he’d attempted to diet dozens of times before…

In the last 3 months, Ben has lost over 50 POUNDS of fat.

Let that sink in.

Imagine losing 50 lbs…


Simply astounding, and I’m so incredibly proud of my man for sticking with it and following through on the protocol I laid out for him 👊

Well, my mentor Jay Campbell and I brought Ben on to our weekly AMA in the Fully Optimized Health Community yesterday to chat about his story…

And what we uncovered was eye-opening.

Sure, there was all the normal problems people experience:

❌ He didn’t know how to properly structure his fasting

❌ He struggled with breaking through plateaus

❌ He didn’t know how to navigate social interactions involving food

But there was something else which came out of the call.

Something which cuts to the heart of living a life of obesity.


Specifically, intergenerational trauma.

The kind passed down over decades.

You see, Ben comes from a family of big people.

He’s obese.

Most of his brothers are obese.

And his father was obese.

And no, I don’t say “was” because his old man lost the weight…

I say “was” because he’s no longer with us.

Ben’s father died at the age of 50.

And when Jay and I asked Ben what his goal was, do you know what he told us?

I don’t want to end up like my father”

I’ll let you in on a little secret…

Obesity isn’t just a physical illness - it’s a SPIRITUAL one.

Almost every single obese or overweight individual is trying to use food as a coping mechanism for some kind of trauma.

And the trauma doesn’t stop with them.

It’s passed down to their children…

And their children…

And their children.

Until somebody finally breaks the cycle.

So, if YOU are in this situation, then believe me, I feel you.

If you’ve ever wondered why obesity tends to cluster in families, this is the reason.

And it’s also what makes it so incredibly hard to overcome.

This is also why I LOVE coaching.

I love working with these people like Ben.

Helping people get abs?

Yeah, that’s cool.

But what’s even cooler is helping them confront the demons which have been haunting them their entire life.

Think I might be able to help you confront yours?

Click HERE to find out if you’d be a good fit for my 1-1 coaching.


Hunter Williams