
Protecting yourself in an unhealthy world

Quick PSA…

Regenovive and Regenoburn are being liquidated, which means the following:


All jars are 30% off!

If you buy 5 jars at 30% OFF, you get 5 additional jars for FREE!

For the "free jar" deal to work inside Shopify, you must add 10 jars of Regenovive to your cart, and the deal will automatically be applied*.

*NOTE: You'll have to make another purchase transaction if you want to purchase 5 additional jars to get 5 more FREE jars (20 jars in total).

As of this writing, only 953 jars of Regenovive are left.


Just like Regenovive, all jars are 30% off.

And If you buy 3 jars at 30% OFF, you get 2 additional jars for FREE.

For the "free jar" deal to work inside Shopify, add 5 jars of RegenoBurn to your cart, and the deal will automatically be applied.

As of this writing, there are only 29 jars of RegenoBurn left.


Now, back to regularly scheduled programming.

The other day, I was reading some fascinating research…

It was an organizational study looking at people with psychiatric disorders (no shortage of those these days) and the impact it has on their professional lives - and those of their coworkers.

The study found that, amongst people who had been diagnosed with these disorders, the people in their work teams were 30% more likely to receive the SAME diagnosis.

Now, I don’t know the details of this study or if it’s actually been replicated (to say that most published research is flawed would be a massive understatement).

But I do know that this tracks with what I’ve seen in real life:

Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are contagious.

They spread from one individual to another.

Unfortunately, most people in the modern world spend more time around their coworkers than their friends and family members (which is a sad state of affairs).

So, it makes sense that they’d start exhibiting this same neurosis.

But in my opinion, this contagion goes further than that…

It’s not just psychological disorders that are contagious. It’s physical disorders.

For those of you who work in an office, have you ever noticed that the people who work closely together in teams don’t just start to talk and act like each other—they start to look like each other as well?

There are some offices where EVERYONE is fit, healthy, and lean.

Strange, right?

It’s not like all these people are getting off work at 5 pm and hitting the gym together.

So, why do you think this is?

Simple - they're psychologically feeding off of each other.

Without saying a word, they’re unconsciously setting a particular set of standards for each other of what you should look like and the kind of behavior you should model:

And for these groups of people, being a dumpster fire is NOT acceptable.

Unfortunately, teams like these are not the norm in America or the rest of the Western world.

It’s a pretty simple equation:

Most people in the Western world are fat.

Ergo, most workplaces in the Western world are fat as well.

I’m sure you’ve experienced this at some point…

You start a new job and work in a team of…well, to put it bluntly, SLOBS.

What happens?

Eventually, their lifestyle habits start to rub off on you.

You start caving into the donuts that they’re constantly bringing in.

You start to mimic their unhealthy behaviors.

Maybe you even start going to “after-work drinks” with them.

Before you know it, six months have passed, you’ve gained 15 pounds, and you look and feel like pure trash.

What happened?

Once again, you started feeding off of them psychologically.

You fell into their orbit…

And now you’re on track to be in the EXACT same spot they’re in.

And the WORSE news?

This goes WAY beyond work.

Your so-called friends.

Your neighbors.

Even certain members of your family.

These groups of people have a TREMENDOUS impact on you, your psychology, and your lifestyle.

The solution?

Look, I’m not going to tell you what to do here.

Not everyone is in a position where they can just up and quit their job.

Not everyone dares to drop unproductive friendships.

But I will say this…

I’ve been through this before.

I’ve had friendships I’ve had to drop.

I’ve had jobs that I knew would suck the life force out of me and destroy any chance of being healthy and happy.

And I can tell you that everything changed for me as soon as I did - and as soon as I started getting around BETTER people.

And it can change for you, too.

Want to take the first step?

👉 The Fully Optimized Health Community now has almost 500 members

And these aren’t your normie coworkers - these ambitious men and women are all actively striving for excellence in their health and living their lives to the fullest.

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Hunter Williams