DHT Does NOT Cause Hair Loss

22 Reasons Why

Before today’s regularly scheduled programming, Jay and I extended the peptide course sale one more day.

Just use code PCB250 at checkout to get the discount!!!

For links to the individual courses, click below:

Peptides Demystified($299now only $150)

Now, back to hair loss.

Many men would rather be impotent than bald.

One study of men in the UK found that 94% considered hair loss the biggest worry about what could happen to their body…

In contrast, 89% said that not being able to get an erection was at the top of their list.

Now, to me, that’s WILD 🤦‍♂️

But then again, I’m not exactly the best representative for this problem.

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not going bald.

Not only am I not going bald, but this problem doesn’t run on either side of my family.

In fact, my grandfather literally had thick, dark hair growing back while he was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer 🤷‍♂️

But I know a lot of guys aren’t that lucky.

When it comes to hair genetics, there are many dudes out there who, unfortunately, drew the short straw.

And for those guys, the message over the last few decades has been loud and clear:

a.) It’s unavoidable

b.) There’s one mechanism - and ONLY one mechanism - that sets it off…

And that’s dihydrotestosterone - DHT.

And if you did draw the short straw genetically, and you DON’T want to lose your luscious locks?

Well then, your only option is to use a DHT-inhibiting drug like finasteride and roll the dice with the side effects.

Oh yeah - those side effects include post-finasteride syndrome, which includes potentially PERMANENT erectile dysfunction and loss of libido (choose carefully, my friend).

But, like so many things in the world of health and optimization, there’s good reason to believe that the “conventional wisdom” isn’t just flawed but outright BACKWARD.

If you find these kinds of discussions sacrilegious, today’s video will be controversial.

Today, I will explore the possibility - and, in my opinion, the LIKELIHOOD - that DHT is NOT the primary cause of hair loss.

I will be talking about all of the many, MANY other things that are causing hair loss…

And what you can do to stop it.

You’ll learn:

✅ Whether or not there are peptides that can regrow hair

✅ Why DHT inhibition is a dangerous game

✅ The prevailing DHT theory of hair loss (and why it’s falling apart at the seams)

✅ The COMPLICATED truth about genetics predisposition

✅ Why inflammation is a MUCH greater predictor of hair loss than genes

✅ Why you should look for nutrient deficiencies if you’re losing your hair (and which specific deficiencies are massive red flags)

✅ The role that stress and lifestyle factors play

✅ Why cellular senescence is a death sentence for hair follicles

✅ Why scalp health and hygiene is just as important as the rest of your hygiene

✅ Why SHBG is much worse for hair loss than DHT

✅ Why estrogen may be protective against hair loss

And more.


Hunter Williams