You Don't Know What You Don't Know

Glaring holes in your optimization game

It never ceases to amaze me how little most people know about GLP-1 agonists.

This is something Jay Campbell and I were talking about the other day (and the reason we’re releasing our upcoming course on how to use GLP-1 agonists):

The average person knows zero.


And no, I’m not just talking about the fact they don’t understand basic principles like “resistance train and increase protein to prevent muscle loss”.

Or “cycle off of the stuff to avoid receptor attenuation and a gradual loss of effectiveness.”

No, I’m talking even about something more basic:

These people literally don’t know we have a hormone called GLP-1 in the body.

A lot of them don’t even really understand what a hormone is…

Or which foods have protein 😲

All they understand is a very simple equation:

“Wegovy = eat less = lose weight” 🤦‍♂️

That’s it.

Now, this email isn’t actually about the fundamentals of how to properly use GLP-1 agonists for accelerated fat loss.

Most of you are super sophisticated when it comes to health, especially compared to gen-pop.

The reason I’m bringing this up is to illustrate a point…

I don’t blame these people for being clueless.

Seriously, I don’t blame them at all - why would they understand all of this?

We don’t learn about the basics of human physiology in our school system, do we?

Anyone who knows anything about diet, macronutrients and building lean muscle tissue has to learn it on their own.

And on top of that, we have a medical system in which doctors simply write prescriptions without any additional information and context.

People who get a Wegovy prescription simply know they should inject it into their belly once per week (or get their wives to do it for them if they’re guys with “needle phobia” 😂)

Or, to put it simply:

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Which is why we’re putting together a GLP-1 agonist course in the first place.

And that’s what I want to talk to you about today…

We (myself included) shouldn’t be so fast to condemn the clueless masses.

Because when it comes to the finer points of optimization, you might be just as clueless as them.

When I first started working with Jay, I knew a LOT about health and fitness.

Certainly more than the average civilian.

I was lean, I was jacked, I ate clean - basically, I was well ahead of 95% of the population.

But looking back on it, there were holes in my game.

BIG holes.

Holes I didn’t even know existed.

❌ I didn’t know low testosterone is now extremely common amongst men in their 20s

❌ I didn’t know it could be caused by a traumatic brain injury (consequences of playing football for 17 years), and that this was most likely the reason for my depression

❌ I didn’t know measuring total testosterone was overrated and FREE testosterone was what really counted

❌ I didn’t know my brutal joint pain was likely the result of my low estrogen (and how low estrogen and low testosterone go hand in hand)

And why would I?

Nobody teaches you this stuff in school.

And most of the fitness world is completely oblivious to hormonal deficiencies.

I didn’t know what I didn’t know…

Until I started working with someone who did.

As soon as I started with Jay Campbell, everything changed.

And it changed QUICKLY.

Not only did I have these holes explicitly pointed out to me, but I IMMEDIATELY was able to go to work plugging them.

The result?

I made more progress on my health in 12 months with Jay than I did in 12 YEARS of being a fit bro.

Want to find out if I might be able t do that for you?

Click here to find out if you’re a good fit for 1-1 coaching, or book a 30 or 60 minute consulting call.

And let’s see if we can get you in the know 👊


Hunter Williams


Thanks for all the amazing feedback on the YT videos this week!

I veered off my normally scheduled programming and most of the audience seemed to enjoy the “behind the scenes” informal content.

More to come in the future, but next week it will be back to slides and lectures 🤓