Facing Infinity Without Flinching

What to expect when you begin to make change

I get a lot of technical questions about testosterone:

 šŸ¤” How much do I need?

šŸ¤” Which ester should I use?

šŸ¤” How do I interpret my blood work?

šŸ¤” At what frequency should I be administering my doses?

These are all perfectly sensible questions you should ask as you embark on your journey.

But I also get asked many questions of a much less technical nature.

Philosophical questions.

Psychological questions.

Questions that cut right to the core of this fantastic hormone (all of which I explore deeply in my new book Testosterone: The God Molecule)

And one of the better questions Iā€™ve been asked is very simple:

ā€œWhat do the first few weeks feel like?ā€

This is a FANTASTIC inquiry.

Itā€™s fantastic because it tells me the person asking it is almost ready.

Theyā€™re just on the cusp of making that extraordinary leapā€¦

But they need a little reassurance and guidance.

While I certainly donā€™t recommend living your life in fear, I understand thereā€™s a little apprehension and natural curiosity when heading into unknown territory.

Unfortunately, my answer isnā€™t a particularly satisfying one.

Weā€™re all biochemically unique, and when it comes to hormones (and hormonal deficiencies), we all have our biochemistry and our collection of symptoms.

A man recovering from 21 ng/dl (yes, Iā€™ve seen this) is going to look far different from a man recovering from ā€œlow normalā€ levels.

With that said, I can give you some clues.

I can give you a general sense of what many guys go through based on my own experience, the population of men Iā€™ve worked with, and the many anecdotes Iā€™ve encountered over the years.

First things first, you might not notice anything.

You might hop on TOT and not notice a measurable improvement or resolution of your symptoms in the first few weeks.

That sucks - but itā€™s not the end of the world.

And itā€™s imperative that if this happens to you, you do NOT quit.

Thereā€™s nothing ā€œwrongā€ with you or the testosterone.

Itā€™s likely just an indication that your protocol needs tweaking and dialing.

Which a competent doctor should be more than capable of doing.

Fortunately, the minority of men who notice nothing are few and far between.

So, what if youā€™re like most men who DO notice improvements in the first few weeks?

Let me put it this way - whatever your worst symptom is, youā€™ll typically notice it FIRST.

Libido in the toilet?

Expect to feel like a 16-year-old again šŸ†šŸ˜‚

Brain fog and lack of cognition?

Expect to feel like a cloud has been lifted.

It's like an old, painfully slow computer with a new hard drive installed.

Depression and anxiety?

Itā€™s like that scene in The Matrix where they shoot through the blacked-out sky and see the sun for the first time.

You get the point here.

Whatever is causing you the most misery will be most noticeable in the first few weeks.

Now, will it always be a night and day difference?

Not necessarily.

Again, the severity of your deficiency and symptoms will usually dictate how much difference youā€™ll notice.

But I can tell you that if you stay the course on this, almost EVERYONE will feel like a different human six months from now.

Last but not least, a little disclaimer:

Itā€™s important to understand that it might NOT be all sunshine and rainbows in the first few weeks.

Remember, your body is undergoing a MAJOR change, and your hormones are in flux.

You might notice some acne.

You might have some mood swings.

You might see a lot more water retention than youā€™d like.

Again, stay the course.

All of these are temporary things that can be dealt with through a bit of tweaking or lifestyle changes.

And of course, if you need help with this, check out Fully Optimized Health, the best private membership group on the planet with 450 of the most outstanding members who genuinely care about each other and being a service to others human.


Hunter Williams