FEAR Of Muscle Loss?

The great boogie man of the fitness industry

There are no two words that’ll strike fear into the hearts of bros quite like “losing muscle”.

It’s the perennial concern of fitness fanatics everywhere….

The idea that a certain diet, training methodology, or supplement will peel muscle off your frame.

Alright, let me get this out of the way:

Muscle is important.

VERY important.

And if there’s one thing you can do as you age to guarantee a miserable life, it’s to lose a significant amount of lean tissue.

But the keyword is SIGNIFICANT.

Look, there’s a BIG difference between a normie who loses 50 pounds of fat and people like us who lose 10.


Because the average person doesn’t understand this like we do.  

For most people, the number on the scale is the number on the scale.

They don’t understand the nuances of lean mass versus fat mass, why it’s so important to preserve the latter, and why lifting weights in a deficit is essential.

WE do.

So yes, there is a massive distinction between these people dropping 50 pounds and having HALF of it come from lean tissue…

And going on a cut and losing a little bit of muscle.

The good news is that, thanks to GLP-1 agonists, we’ve been able to engineer the inevitable muscle loss out of the equation.

But even if we hadn’t, the reality is this:

Losing a bit of muscle on a cut was never a big deal.

You didn’t lose an arm; you lost a bit of lean tissue (all of which comes back after a bit of time at maintenance or in a surplus).

What is the REAL reason you’re so scared of this?

Because you’ve been TRAINED to be.

Muscle loss is the great boogie man of the fitness industry.

And it’s used to scare people out of the methods that WORK.

Think about everything we KNOW to be effective.

At some point, someone has used the claim of muscle loss to discredit it.


“Bro, you’re gonna lose muscle if you don’t eat every three hours”

Controlling your carb intake?

“Dude, you’re gonna lose all your gains if you don’t eat 300 grams of carbs a day”

And now we’re seeing the same fear campaign being run against GLP-1 agonists.

👉 Check out The Ultimate GLP-1 Video masterclass to find out how you can prevent this from happening to you

And make no mistake - this fear-mongering is being promoted by trainers, coaches and gurus who don’t understand how GLP-1 agonists work and are afraid of what they’ll do their business model.

All while ignoring the fundamental fact that SIGNIFICANT muscle loss happens to one group of people and one group of people only:

Normies who don’t eat protein and lift weights.

End of story.

Something to think about the next time someone tells you that a diet, protocol or peptide is going to make your delts melt magically and your glutes fall out of your bum.


Hunter Williams