How To Feel 300% Better In 30 Minutes Per Day (Or Less)

Hint: You need to get out more

A few days ago I dropped a bit of good news/bad news on you…

The GOOD news is that you now have a roadmap.

A resource you can turn to whenever you’re feeling unsure about where you are on your grand optimization journey.

And in case you missed it, here’s a REAL simple version:

There are three pillars of optimization - or as I like to call it the “Holy Trinity of Optimization”.

And those three pillars are:

👉 Diet, Training, And Lifestyle

👉 Hormonal Optimization

👉 Peptides And Supplements

The bad news?

These three pillars need to be handled in that order.

And that means that MANY have found yourself stuck on that first rung.

How do I know?

Because this is where MOST people “get stuck”.

They want to move on to the fun stuff (peptides and supplements) without handling the fundamentals.

And I totally get it…

If you’ve spent your life living like a “normal person”, you’ve cultivated a lot of poor lifestyle habits…

And those habits have come along for the ride.

Even if you’re relatively healthy, this can be a tough nut to crack.

It includes (but is not limited to):

😴 Sleeping 8 hours a night in a dark room

🥩 Eating a natural diet with plenty of protein and living insulin-controlled (check out our 30 Days 2 Shredz program if you have a lot of weight to lose)

🏋️‍♂️ Lifting weights consistently and with sufficient intensity

☠️ Avoiding the environmental toxins that are making you sick

😌 Engaging in regular spiritual practices

🍃 Spending sufficient time in nature

🌞 Getting enough daily sunlight

Quite a tall order isn’t it?

But What If I Could Give You A SUPER Easy Starting Point?

What if I could give you something to start with that:

Almost anybody can do

Requires minimal time (30 minutes per day is enough to get started)

Can boost mood and cognition by 300% (at least)

Will make you look better in just a few short weeks

Is absolutely, 100% free

Are you ready?

Cause this is gonna blow your mind:

🌞 Get out in the sun

Seriously, that’s it…

Get outside.

Take a walk, lie down in the grass in the park, whatever - and let the sun beat down on your skin.

It sounds so simple, and yet I guarantee you that MOST of you aren’t doing this.

So, why does this work?

Well, first of all, there’s the obvious - the fact that all life on Earth literally revolves around the sun.

And getting regular, sufficient exposure to it will have positive downstream effects on everything else that you’re working on:

It will reset your circadian rhythm and make it easier to sleep.

It will boost your neurotransmitters, help stabilize your mood and make you feel amazing

It will provide sufficient vitamin D to help preserve bone density and ramp up fat loss

There’s literally not one area of your health that won’t be made better by getting more sun exposure.

But there’s a bigger reason that I recommend it:

☀️😌 Because it expands consciousness 

You see, the sun isn’t just what our avatar bodies need to survive, it’s also a source of divine information.

And when we’re exposed to it, we essentially access it and start “downloading” that information.

This, by the way, is why so many dermatologists, government health authorities, and other “experts” rail against the sun.

Because they don’t want a world full of highly conscious and aware individuals…

They want a world full of drones (which is exactly how you feel after a few days with no sun exposure).

And when it comes to maximizing lifestyle, I can’t think of anything MORE important than being fully awake and vibrating at a high frequency.

I know this might sound a little “woo-woo”, but seriously, try it for a week and tell me you don’t feel 1000 times more enlightened. 

Now, I get it…

Not everyone is privileged enough to live in an area that gets a lot of sunlight.

But chances are you can always get some if you make it a practice to get outside every single day.

You can also consider using one of my FAVORITE peptides, Melanotan 1.

Checkout the full video breakdown I did on it here, but this is the gist:

One of the big things Melanotan helps to do is upregulate the melanocortin receptors.

This means that you’re able to more efficiently absorb sunlight.

Think of it like an ether cable, where you’re essentially hooking yourself up DIRECTLY to the supercomputer of the sun and downloading that divine information at rapid speed.

Pretty cool, right? 😁

You can get Melanotan 1 through Limitless Life Nootropics FREE VIP program.

It’s pretty simple - just sign up for a free account using this link and you will be able to access all the VIP peptides.

And if you’re already a member, click here to login.


Hunter Williams