Fitness Minimalism

How to chill for maximum results

I’ve been through some fairly intense, grueling workouts in my life.

It comes with the territory when playing college football at a high level.

In fact, I don’t know ANYONE who’s been through the same experience as me who hasn’t been through these brutal training sessions.

But now I know better.

Don’t get me wrong, I still go HARD in the gym, but it’s with more control.

And a whole lot more rest and recovery.

But in the world I came from, it’s rare to see someone turn from their erroneous ways.

Most guys who have been raised in the world of athletics NEVER move past it.

And no, I’m not talking about the dudes that made it to the NFL - I’m talking about guys who didn’t make the cut.

Guys who wrapped up their college career and had to get “normal jobs”.

They’re STILL doing the same excruciating workouts their coaches told them to when they were 21.

It’s like a rite of passage which requires constant renewal.

I get it. To me, fitness has always been tied to my identity and I didn’t “feel right” if my workouts didn’t make come close to inducing vomit.

But here’s something that’ll blow your mind…

Want to know another group of people in our society who push themselves just as hard in the gym as former college athletes?

Obese people! 

Seriously, go to a burn boot camp or spin class in a commercial gym at 5PM on a weeknight. You’ll see exactly what I mean.

While there are indeed some fit individuals in there, a disproportionate amount of the clientele are 50-100 pounds overweight…

And they’re GRINDING and sweating it out for HOURS at a time.

It’s seriously a spectacle to behold.

And obviously most of the fat people you see in these classes tap out after a few weeks (only to try again a few months later).

But that’s not the point - the commonality between two groups is the INTENSITY with which they approach it.

Let me ask you a question…

Don’t you think it’s a little weird there’s a direct correlation between the increase in commercial gym locations AND an increase in obesity levels across the population?

Don’t you think it’s weird gym memberships and the levels of obesity are BOTH at an all-time high?

To me, all of this points to a fatal flaw in our society:

Not only do a lot of people need to spend a little LESS time in the gym, but we’ve ALL forgotten the lost art of recovery.

We’ve forgotten what goes on in the gym:

a.) Needs to be performed in small, controlled doses


b.) Should be met with a heavy dose of rest

Do you want to know what else the person who goes to Burn Boot Camp has in common with the weekend warrior who used to play college ball?

They both get NOWHERE.

And not only that, they both end up in a WORSE position than they started in.

The former college gladiator ends up with a whole host of injuries which PERMANENTLY impair his ability to train.

And the fat person ends up in a vicious cycle, leading them to eventually quit all together (not to mention having their self-esteem crushed).

If you want to truly achieve a high level of health, you MUST prioritize recovery.

The name of the game is short bursts of intense activity interspersed with long periods of light work and rest.

NOT the other way around.

This means when you’re not crushing it in the gym, you should be:

✅ Grounding and spending time in nature

✅ Doing yoga (I have practiced 2-3x per week for the last 10 years)

✅ Walking, hiking and getting plenty of sunlight

✅ Sleeping (shocker of shockers)

✅ Reading and challenging your brain

✅ Using peptides to help and to promote recovery

Melanotan for sun, DSIP for sleep, and Selank for focus all come to mind, but there are TONS of others (use code hunter15 at Limitless Life Nootropics for 15% off).

Leave the boot camps and the spartan races to the normies.


Hunter Williams

P.S. My man Jay Campbell just dropped a PHENOMENAL podcast on this very topic today.

Check out his conversation with Jim Laird, a high level strength and conditioning coach who’s been through all of this (and come out the other side)