What Freedom Means To Me

Plus 25% off peptides at Limitless

Happy 4th of July!

As a kid growing up, I loved to study history.

Even more so, I was fascinated by the idea of the United States and freedom.

I remember traveling to Washington D.C. for the first time in 8th grade and being awestruck by the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Capitol Hill, and the Smithsonian.

Maybe I drank too much Kool-Aid as a kid, but I truly believed the United States was “the best country in the world.”

The principles and ideals espoused in the Declaration of Independence should collectively be a standard we all strive to uphold. Unfortunately, popular culture, economics, and political discourse have devolved into a dumpster fire of epic proportions.

That said, I believe the USA has given more opportunities for the attainment of individual sovereignty than any other “nation” that exists today.

Unfortunately, the ideals we celebrate on the 4th are rapidly transforming in front of our eyes.

I’m not a political person, but any critical mind would agree that freedom is an eroding ideal today.

Take a look at peptides.

The FDA and big pharma want peptides to be as inaccessible as possible. They have a vested interest in keeping the majority of humanity sick, inflamed, and depressed.

Look at social media.

Platforms shadowban and censor alternative health info en masse. I have to selectively publish and censor myself on social media platforms just even to be able to get the message about peptides out to the public.

So are we really free?

Probably not. I guess you could say freedom exists on a spectrum.

And right now, that spectrum is moving much more to the side of totalitarian control.

I hope the pendulum swings back the other way in the future.

But maybe it won’t.

At the end of the day, the best things we can do are:

  • Work on improving ourselves, expanding our awareness, and increasing our level of knowledge

  • Network with like-minded individuals to build communities and tribes to assist in the expansion of our consciousness

Freedom begins from within.

Until you free yourself from fear, anxiety, depression, self-hatred, and worry, the process of creating collective freedom can’t begin to take place.

How can you have a society of free people who all live in a self-imposed prison?

I firmly believe the first step to liberating yourself is to take charge of your health.

Sovereignty begins with the body. Free your body, then free your mind, and then free your soul.

How do you free the body?

Get lean.

Get optimized.

Lift weights.

Eat clean.

Do cardio.

Read books.


These rituals move you closer to freedom.

What does freedom mean to me?

It means sovereignty over my mind, body, and soul.

We don’t control who makes the rules, but we DO get to choose how we live.

Today, I choose FREEDOM!



P.S. From Now Until July 8th At Midnight PST, You'll Be Able To Save 25% Off Regular Peptides & 10% Off VIP Peptides at Limitless

Here’s how to get a discount:

To save 25% on regular peptides, enter code Hunter15 at checkout (the other 10% is Automatically discounted in your cart)

For VIP peptides, do the same, but you'll also have to register HERE or log in to access Limitless's VIP peptide club.