Get lean first

Where to start your optimization journey


I get an absolute ton of people asking me where to start on their health optimization journey.

And it is a great question…

Because at the end of the day, ascending to the highest levels of health and vitality is a mountain to climb indeed.

Add to that the fact that most people in the West aren’t exactly beginning from the healthiest of places (to put it mildly), and it’s easy to see why getting started is so overwhelming.

And don’t even get me started on all the fake health gurus shilling contradictory advice. 

So today, I want to give you a little “kick starter”...

I want to tell you where I think the VAST MAJORITY of individuals should first put their time and attention.

The answer?

Get lean.

That’s it.

The single greatest thing that most people can do right now for their health.


First of all, being lean fixes A LOT of problems that almost everyone struggles with:

💪 Increased insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation

💪 Deeper and more restful sleep (multiple studies have now shown that being overweight is a major contributing factor in sleep disorders)

💪 Enhanced mobility and athletic performance (i.e. it’s easier to workout)

💪 Improved cognition and mental clarity

To name a few.

Now, I know that some of you would probably object to this.

Some of you are probably sitting there thinking “Hunter, I ain’t fat bro, gimme something else to work on”.


But I have some unfortunate news for you:

You’re probably fatter than you think.

The truth is that most people underestimate the amount of extra flab they’re carrying around.

And when I say underestimate, I mean they dramatically underestimate.

Most individuals I’ve worked with are at least 10-20 pounds fatter than they imagine themselves to be (this usually comes out when we use an accurate body fat testing method like the bod pod btw).

And not only are you underestimating how fat you are, you’re underestimating the effect all that extra fat is having on your health as well.

Now, let me get to caveats out of the way before I tell you how exactly you should go about rectifying this little problem.

First of all, I don’t know you.

I don’t know your health status, I don’t know your situation, I don’t know your personal and medical history…

I’m simply going on the average of what I typically see in my own coaching clients and the people asking me questions.

Maybe you’re already hella lean.

In that case, great!

One less problem you need to take care of.

Or maybe you have some kind of major pending health issue (a severe hormone deficiency, a significant injury that’s preventing you from training, etc).

If that’s the case, then you need to knock that out first (or at least get it under control).

Caveat #2 - You DO NOT need to get as lean as me.

Generally speaking, I spend most of the year hovering at around 10% body fat while periodically cutting and dipping down to the 5% range.

And while being that lean is indeed pretty sweet, it’s not strictly speaking necessary.

You’d be perfectly fine as a man hovering between 12-15% body fat (18-20% as a woman).

So with that out of the way, here’s a quick and dirty game plan for getting the fat off FAST.

✅ Step #1: Clean up your diet

Just like you’re fatter than you think, you’re also probably eating a lot more poorly than you think as well.

You need to take a good, hard inventory of what exactly is going in your mouth on a daily basis and cut the b*llshit out.

For a lot of people, simply doing that will be enough to get a lot of the “heavy lifting” out of the way when it comes to peeling the fat off.

As for what you should be eating instead?

🥩 Clean meats

🐟 Wild caught fish

🥬 Leafy vegetables

🍠 Clean carbs like rice and sweet potatoes

Common…you know the drill 😉

✅ Step #2: Implement an intelligent fat loss strategy

Once you’ve done some housekeeping on your food intake, it’s time to really kick the fat loss into high gear with an effective fat-loss diet plan.

And the one I recommend?

For those of you who don’t know, this is the program put together by my mentor Jay Campbell and I.

30D2S has been designed to take anyone, regardless of where they’re at in their fat loss journey, and put them through a 30-day cycle stripping away up to 20 pounds of pure fat (without any muscle loss).

Sound like a bold claim?

It is indeed….

But it works.

The 30D2S protocol has now been out in the universe for almost six months, and we’ve gotten HUNDREDS of absolutely incredible case studies.

And how exactly is something like that even possible??

Through a combination of supplements, fasting, decades of accumulated nutrition and training wisdom, annnnnnnd……

✅ Step #3: Master the use of fat-loss peptides

Yes, that’s right - the thing that makes 30 Days 2 Shredz different from other programs (and why it’s able to achieve the rapid fat loss that it does) is that it’s the first of its kind…

The first fat loss program to intelligently incorporate peptides to help turbocharge results.

But even if you decide NOT to embark on 30D2S, I still highly recommend making use of these agents to help accelerate your progress.

Which ones do I recommend?

Check out my free videos on tirzepatide and tesamorelin for info on how to get started with two of my favorites.

And to purchase these peptides, head over to Limitless Life Nootropics and join their FREE VIP peptide club for exclusive access.


Hunter Williams