Why ALL GLP-1 agonists might be vanishing

It's not just Tirzepatide

If you’re reading this email, I’m sure you’ve already been briefed on the current state of affairs in research chemical land.

And if you haven’t, here’s the deal:

Tirzepatide is going bye-bye.

Truth be told, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

What happens when you take the single most powerful version of the single most powerful fat loss agent in history and make it 10X cheaper than your competitor?

Well, when your competitor has the full force of billions of dollars and a legal team of trained killers, THIS is what happens.

And fighting back is like bringing a knife to a nuke fight.

So, the question now is - what do we do?

Well, my man Jay Campbell and I addressed the world last night live on YouTube for a very critical “peptide state of the union”.

We talked all about what exactly is going on…

And what this little corner of the universe is going to look like going forward.

Now, with that said, I’ll address one very common question that I got:

“Hunter, what about the other GLP-1 agonists?”

Well, for the time being, Lily is specifically on a war path over their lost Mounjaro revenue…

But I wouldn’t be shocked if they went “wait a minute, you guys are selling retatrutide too?” once they figure out what’s been going on with their precious jewel that’s still yet to clear FDA approval.

All the other GLP-1s are still available and have not been liquidated.

Now, I know what you’re thinking:

“Phew, what a relief 😅 I’m gonna switch to semaglutide 🙌

Are you now?

Well, if that’s your thought process, I have bad news for you, because you’ve got a few problems on your hands.

First of all, semaglutide is inferior to tirzepatide.


The appetite impression isn’t as good, it’s got the potential for weird side effects, and it doesn’t have the same powerful gut-remodeling properties as tirzepatide.

Will it work in a pinch?


But if you’re reading this email, chances are it’s because you want the very BEST that the optimization world has to offer.

And problem number two?

This little fight we’re seeing with Lily is just the first battle.

The REAL war has yet to come.

Look, if you watched the live address last night, you know that I speculated as to why Novo Nordisk (the patent holder for semaglutide) hasn’t been going after research chemical companies.

And my belief is that they know that tirzepatide is a superior product (and dominates most of the research GLP-1 sales), so they’re not going bother with it.

Well, guess what?

That can always change on a dime.

If this round of lawsuits and cease and desists by Eli Lily are successful (which they’re VERY likely to be), the legal team at Novo Nordisk might just become emboldened and start licking their chops like a pack of hungry wolves.

Remember, Novo Nordisk has ALREADY launched multiple lawsuits against compounders this year.


Don’t be.

This is what Big Pharma do.

It’s all part of the dirty little games they play to keep their prices sky-high and prevent competition from making it cheap.

So yeah, if you’re skipping out on tirzepatide because you think the sema-river is gonna keep flowing, you might want to think again.

Basically, stockpile now or forever hold your peace.

And deal with the potential consequences.


Hunter Williams