How To Go From "Peptide Curious" To Peptide USER

Don’t let imposter syndrome stand in your way

One of my favorite concepts is “becoming the CEO of your own health”.

It perfectly captures the ideal we’re ultimately trying for as biohackers.

Yet sadly, so few people truly ever make that leap.

It’s one thing to get “fit”.

Despite how bad the baseline health is in America, there are still tens of thousands of outliers who make that leap every single year.

But when it comes to getting to the NEXT level?

Going from “reasonably fit and healthy” to achieving top-shelf health optimization?

Much harder.

And I would know…

Look, I’ve always been in good shape.

As many of you know, I got my start in life playing high school and college football…

And I was pretty good! (at least I thought so)

Certainly good enough to walk on at a D1 school and earn a full scholarship.

And as I’m sure you can imagine, it’s pretty tough to play at that level if you’re unconditioned.

But as my athletic career progressed, the more I realized that being fit just wasn’t enough…

If I really wanted to step up and compete at a high level, I was going to have to level up my health in the process.

So I started diving down the rabbit hole…

Sleep optimization, circadian rhythms, gut health - you name it, I was obsessed with it.

I was obsessed with getting every possible edge in the health department that I could.

I would avoid fried food for months at a time.

My head coach would even roll his eyes at me because I refused to eat the ice cream served at team meals the night before games.

My point is this - I know what this process looks like.

And because I know what it looks like to go from “ok” to optimized, I know what the roadblocks on that path look like.

Want to know a secret?

Most of those roadblocks are in your head.

This is why it’s so hard to actually BECOME a devoted peptide user.

I don’t think it’s any secret peptides are red hot right now.

EVERYONE is talking about them…but almost NOBODY is actually using them.

Very few people actually get to the point where they’re ready to pull the trigger, place their order, and start administering these agents for themselves.

And if they do, they’ll “play it safe” and try their hardest to get them through a doctor (usually unsuccessfully).

Why do you think that is?

Yeah, yeah, I know - sticking a teensy, weensy insulin needle in your belly is “scary” (until you do it once and you realize it’s no biggie).

Reconstitution is “complicated” (again, do it once and you’ll wonder why you were ever stumped by it).

But I think there’s more to it than that…

The real reason?

Imposter syndrome.

The reason most people don’t make that jump is because they feel like a fraud.

Peptides, hormone therapy, stem cells…

That’s for the 0.01%.

The elite athletes.

The tech entrepreneurs.

The biohacking gurus with huge followings.

But YOU?

You’re not in any one of those positions…

Which means that you’re not WORTHY of utilizing high-end interventions like peptide therapy, right?


If you want proof, just look at me.

Sure, I was a pretty accomplished football player…

But I’m not an elite 0.01% athlete (my football career ended long before I became a star NFL player).

Yes, I’ve done well in business and in life…

But I’m not a Silicon Valley Billionaire.

And yes, I’ve got a decent (and GROWING) following…

But I’m not an elite-level biohacking influencer with millions of followers (not as long as YouTube keeps blocking my contents and shadow banning my videos 😁)

Do you know what I am though?


I made the decision a long time ago that I’m worthy of top-shelf health, a top-shelf body…

And a top shelf life.

And I’d like to see you get to that point as well.


Hunter Williams

P.S. If this resonated with you and you’re ready to take the plunge, be sure to check out my FREE Peptide Cheat Sheet for everything you need to know about peptide self-mastery.

Already taken that step?

Head on over to Limitless Life Nootropics, punch in hunter15 for 15% off, and make that first purchase 👊