Why A Good Night's Sleep Will Change Your Life 😴

How to sleep like a baby EVERY NIGHT

One of the beautiful things about living the optimized life is the ability to find pleasure in the simple things:

☀️ Laying in the grass and basking in the sun

💪 The beautiful endorphins that flow through your body after a good workout

🥩 The pleasure that comes from eating simple, natural foods (as opposed to bombarding your tastebuds with hyper-palatable franken-foods)

And when it comes to the simple pleasures of life, I can’t think of anything more basic than the feeling of getting a good night's sleep.

Unfortunately, for a lot of people, this feeling is RARE.

Poor sleep is the norm.

Between 50-70 million Americans suffer from some chronic sleep disorder, while another 30 million report insomnia as an issue for them.

And make no mistake, the fact that this has become so common is an absolute tragedy.

Good sleep is critical.

Like I said in my recent video on DSIP (which I’ll be talking about more in this email), if there’s one thing that can almost GUARANTEE you’ll have a miserable quality of life, it’s lack of sleep.

Fortunately, the opposite is true as well.

Regularly getting a full night of deep, restorative slumber is essentially a superpower.

It will radically improve your focus and cognition, stabilize and improve your mood, and help you maintain a balanced hormonal profile.

And I don’t even think I need to go into the science of why this is the case - just think about how YOU felt the last time you got a good night’s sleep.

That’s right - you probably felt AMAZING:

You felt revitalized, renewed, and restored.

Everything you did, from your workouts to simply going about your daily tasks, felt a hundred times easier.

Everything just seemed BETTER and more positive, and the world just looked a little more colorful 🌎

Want to feel like that EVERY DAY?

If so, then listen up.

Because in this email I want to give you the strategies that I personally use to get an incredible night’s sleep (almost) every single night.

First things first, sleep hygiene is absolutely critical.

And while there’s a lot that I could go into on this, here are a few things that I think are absolute musts:

👉DO NOT sleep with your phone in your room (or worse, next to your head 🤦‍♂️)

Remember, EMFs are a major source of circadian rhythm disruption.

That means that your phone (and computer) should be off and out of your bedroom, and your WiFi should be switched off as well.

I also sleep on a grounding mat to get the amazing benefits of grounding.

👉Sleep in a cool, dark room

And when I say dark, I mean DARK ⚫️

The idea here is to simulate the premodern, pre-electrical conditions humans evolved to sleep in as much as humanly possible.

👉Do everything you can to go to bed and wake up at the same time every single day

Next, make sure you PREPARE to get a good night’s sleep.

This means doing things during the day that prime your circadian rhythm do keep you active during daylight hours and sleepy in the evening (not the other way around):

👉 Get regular sun exposure during the day

👉 Have your last meal before the sun goes down so you’re not digesting food as you’re trying to sleep

👉 Ditch the technology at least two hours before bed (if you read on your computer right before falling asleep, you’re a moron 😂)

👉 Read a fiction book and write a short journal entry to help calm any racing thoughts

Finally, use the right peptides and supplements.

After you get the fundamentals down, this is where we can start having some fun 😁

Sleep supplements like magnesium (essential if you’re deficient), taurine, and reishi mushroom can all help out here.

One of my absolute favorite supplements, and something I’ve been experimenting with high doses of, is melatonin (take enough of this stuff and you just might astral project over your bed 😂)

Finally, here’s an amazing peptide stack that I talked about in my recent video that will help knock you out cold (and keep you that way till morning):

👉 Tesamorelin

Not only will this one help you fall asleep, but it will also help increase levels of growth hormone while you sleep to help get you into a deeper slumber.

⚠️ Tesamorelin is available through Limitless Life Nootropics FREE VIP Peptide Club


While it’s known for improving cognition and alertness, this one will also paradoxically help with sleep by improving the circadian rhythm. 

✅ DSIP (use code hunter15 for 15% off)

As you may have guessed by its name (Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide), this one is an absolute no-brainer.

By helping promote deep, restorative delta sleep, it’s a great option for those of you who manage to get a full 8 hours but still wake up groggy

✅ Pinealon

This peptide works along with DSIP by providing neuroprotective and cognitive benefits while you sleep, as well as working on the pineal gland to help produce melatonin.

Do all of this, and I can almost guarantee you’ll sleep like a log tonight and every night 👊


Hunter Williams

P.S. I don’t like sunglasses, but if you look up at the eclipse today, use some protection ☀️