The Great Free Testosterone Scam

Is your doctor deceiving you?

Have you noticed how the mainstream medical establishment just loves to make things more complicated?

I’m sure you all noticed this during the days of the “you know what”…

You know, that three-year period where we’d get news story after news story filled with big numbers and scary-sounding statistics?

Of course, those of us in the know could see right through all of it and realize that we were being fed a crock of crap.

But the sad truth is that there are a lot of people who simply CAN’T.

And that’s exactly why they do it - because confusion is the name of the game.

If you can keep the masses confused enough, you can get them to do pretty much whatever you want.

In that situation, the desired outcome of that confusion was to scare the absolute daylights out of everyone and get them to say in their homes and hide under their blankets.

But the desired outcome could be ANYTHING.

And if you think that’s an isolated incident, you’re sorely mistaken…

Because that’s far from the only example of these tactics being used.

And while the public health officials are without question the undisputed EXPERTS at this game, it’s also extremely common in the realm of personal healthcare as well.

Just look at what’s happening with testosterone.

We all know that there’s been a concerted effort to keep men away from testosterone optimization therapy.

Because despite the fact that levels have been plummeting over the last few decades, allopathic medicine has failed to keep up with prescriptions to fight that widespread deficiency…

Despite OVERWHELMING evidence that therapeutic testosterone is safe and effective.

Now, I think we all know why a country full of hormonally optimized men is not in the best interest of the elites…

But what you may NOT know is that confusion is one of the most effective tools in their tool belt.

Think about it…you’d think it would be pretty simple to figure out if you have a deficiency, wouldn’t you?

Go to the doctor, get a test, and get the results back…

Got the low numbers?

✅ Check

Got the symptoms?

✅ Check

But as you may have noticed if you’ve been through this process, it’s not so simple…

And one of the worst tricks they play on guys is what I call the “free testosterone scam”.

Here’s how it works:

One of the well-known facts about hormonal optimization is that free testosterone is infinitely more important than total testosterone.

And in my experience working with dozens of guys, most men will feel absolutely amazing at 40+ pg/ml.

The problem?

A lot of doctors and labs will try to confuse guys with DIFFERENT numbers, often using different sensitivity testing.

For instance on Labcorp tests, the sensitivity testing will say the reference range is between 8-25 pg/ml, meanwhile another lab like Quest will say it’s between 57-240 pg/ml.

So what gives?

It has do to do with the analysis method. But just so you aren’t confused, if you see a range that is higher like 57-240 pg/ml, they are using a different measurement method.

When you compare apples to apples, they are really saying the range is 5.7-24 pg/ml.

Without getting too technical, some labs use a “direct assay” measurement, which will yield the “lower” reference range of 8-25 pg/ml. Other labs don’t use the direct assay measurement, they will have a more precise reading. In summary:

Direct Measurement

  • Direct Assays: This method directly measures free testosterone levels without needing to first separate it from the protein-bound forms. Direct assays are often simpler and quicker than other methods, but they may vary in accuracy and reliability.

  • Simplicity and Convenience: Because direct assays don't require the complex processing of separating free from bound testosterone (as in methods like equilibrium dialysis or ultrafiltration), they are more commonly used in routine clinical settings.

  • Potential for Variability: Direct measurement methods can be more susceptible to interference and variability compared to more labor-intensive techniques. The accuracy and precision of direct assays for free testosterone have been debated, with some studies suggesting they may not always align well with more established methods.

TLDR: If you reference range says 8-25 pg/ml, you want your number to be around 40 pg/ml. If the reference range says 57-240 pg/ml (or similar), you want your number to be around 400 pg/ml.

Alas, some dudes just glance at their labs and say “that’s high…I guess my testosterone’s not so low after all!”

Yeah…check the fine print on that one my man.

Because once you actually do the math and start converting those numbers over, you’ll realize that your free T levels aren’t just low, they’re ROCK BOTTOM.

To the point where if you’re not feeling like absolute death, you should consider yourself very, very lucky.

So, what’s the solution here?

Get educated.

Just like you need to learn how to use therapeutic peptides by yourself, you need to learn how to optimize your hormones by yourself as well.

No, I’m not saying that most of you should “go it alone”.

You’ll want to have a good doctor in your corner on this journey.

But I am saying that you should understand the fundamentals:

✅ You should know how to read your bloodwork

✅ You should know how to do some basic conversions and calculations

✅ And you should know how to connect the dots between your symptoms and the readings that are coming up in the test

Don’t know how to do this yet

This is something that Jay Campbell and I talk about over at the Fully Optimized Health Community

In fact, this is something that we went into extensive detail on during this week’s AMA.

And believe me, we’ll be doing it again in the future.

Because this topic is too important NOT to cover extensively.

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👉 And for that extra 1-1 attention, you can click HERE to book a 30 or 60-minute consultation with me or apply for coaching HERE


Hunter Williams