The Great GLP-1 War

PLUS Last Call For The Modern Woman's Peptide Course

When it comes to the bad press around GLP-1 agonists, even I’m a little taken aback.

And it takes a lot to surprise me…

After all, I’ve been keeping tabs on this stuff from the beginning.

I remember when the Ozempic craze took hold a little over a year ago - and it was not shocking.

Not in the slightest.

After all, I’d already been using these agents for quite some time.

And I knew full well how INSANELY effective they were.

So I knew that as soon as these got put into the hands of normies, they’d all collectively lose their minds…

But I also knew that there would be a backlash.

After all, if there’s one thing that holds across all facets of the Western world, it’s that people can’t have nice things 😂

Even before the stories came out, I knew they were going to abuse it:

❌ I knew most people were going to be creating their caloric deficit by cutting down on protein

❌ I knew people were going to get trigger-happy and end up using absurd dosages

❌ I knew people were going to continue eating pure garbage…except instead of eating 15 slices of pizza for dinner, they’re eating 3

And since I have an understanding of human physiology, I knew what the result on a large scale would look like:

❌ I knew they were going to lose muscle

❌ I knew Ozempic butt was going to become a very real thing

❌ I knew people were going to wreak havoc on their digestive systems (because why wouldn’t slamming Taco Bell while taking 20 mg per week of tirzepatide cause problems 🤦‍♂️)

And I knew the media would run with it.

I knew they’d start spreading exaggerations, distortions, and outright lies about them.

No, I’m not surprised about the hate GLP-1 agonists have gotten - but I am surprised about the EXTENT of it.

I figured by now things would fizzle out.

After all, these things ain’t going away.

Even if Big Pharma wanted to hit the eject button, the cat is now out of the bag, and there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle.

But things haven’t fizzled out - the rhetoric against these agents has simply gotten MORE intense and MORE deranged.

Look, here’s what I think is going on…

Right now, as we speak, society is being divided into camps on GLP-1 agonists.

Different teams, if you will.

The first team is what I like to call “Team Hater” 😂

Fat acceptance crusaders, allopathic quack doctors, people who have some weird attachments to doing things the “natural way”...

People who have made it clear they will NEVER touch a GLP-1 agonist.

Now, they’re a noisy and annoying team…

But they’re also a minority.

The next team is what I like to call “Team Normie”.

This team comprises the people doing all the standard, dumb tactics I just mentioned.

And this, sadly, will be the majority of the population.

People who will take the single greatest medical invention since penicillin…

And squander it because they’re too lazy to work out and change their dietary habits.

And then there’s the team that YOU want to be on - Team Optimized!

People like me, Jay Cambell, and the men and women inside the Fully Optimized Health community.

✅ People who are taking this incredible GIFT we’ve been given and running with it

✅ People who are using these agents to attain levels of leanness that used to be impossible without immense suffering

✅ People who are developing revolutionary new protocols that your doctor has never heard of

Like microdosing tirzepatide to make fasting a breeze.

Or stacking GLP-1 agonists with growth hormone peptides to accelerate fat loss and ensure muscle preservation.

And these are just a few of the incredible things we’ve figured out how to do so far…

Just think about how far we’ll be a year from now - or a DECADE.

So, the question is, which team are you on?

Are you with the normies?

Or are you ready to join Team Optimized

And leave everybody else in the dust 😎


Hunter Williams

P.S. Due to overwhelming demand, Jay and I opened up the Modern Woman’s Peptide Course for one more day at a discounted price. Click below to purchase for $149 before the price goes up to $299 at Midnight PST.