The Holy Trinity of Optimization

Read this if you need a roadmap

I cannot stress enough how important it is to do the right things in the right ORDER.

When it comes to optimization, this is absolutely critical, and something that I see get BUTCHERED constantly.

People who want to skip steps.

People who want to get to the fun part FIRST…without building up a solid foundation.

So today I’m going to share a little framework you can use when starting your journey.

This is something that I learned from my mentor Jay Campbell, and it’s something that I like to call the “Holy Trinity of Optimization”.

The three pillars of a fully optimized lifestyle that EVERYONE needs to get under control…

And the order in which you need to do it.

Get this RIGHT, and you’ll set yourself up for a lifetime of amazing health and vitality.

Get this WRONG, and you’ll end up wasting thousands of hours (and pissing thousands of dollars down the toilet).

#1: Get Your Lifestyle Together

I know, I know - you thought #1 was gonna be peptides, right? 

Look, I’m constantly getting questions along the lines of “which peptides are best for (insert issue here”).

“Hunter, what’s the best peptide for fat loss?”

“Hunter, which peptide should I use for sleep?”

“Hunter, which peptides builds the most muscle?”

At which point I usually ask them…

“Uh…have you tried cutting calories, lifting regularly, and staying in bed 8 hours a night first??”

And they usually look at me like I have 6 heads 😂 

Here’s the deal - all the peptides in the world will do NOTHING if you don’t have your lifestyle together.


This needs to come before ANYTHING else that you do.

Before you even think of placing an order for these things, you must have a solid foundation of healthy habits.

This includes:

😴 Sleeping 8 hours a night in a dark room

🥩 Eating a natural diet with plenty of protein and living insulin-controlled (check out our 30 Days 2 Shredz program if you have a lot of weight to lose)

🏋️‍♂️ Lifting weights consistently and with sufficient intensity

☠️ Avoiding the environmental toxins that are making you sick

😌 Engaging in regular spiritual practices

🍃 Spending sufficient time in nature

🌞 Getting enough daily sunlight

Then, and only then, can you move on to step number two:

#2: Optimize Your Hormones

Wait a second…

You mean peptides isn’t even number 2 on my list??

It is not…and for a very good reason.

Because apart from lifestyle, hormonal dysfunction is the number thing holding people back.

Let me put it to you this way…

I’ve always been a pretty fit guy.

I played college football, I lifted weights, I competed in a natural physique competition…

My lifestyle’s always been great.

And yet for most of my 20s, I felt like a bump on a log.

The reason?

I had the testosterone levels of an old man 👴

Look, I get it…

75 years ago, just having a reasonably healthy lifestyle was enough to ensure fantastic hormonal health.

The game has changed.

The environment is now so toxic that you MUST go that extra step.

Don’t get it twisted…

Diet, sleep, and exercise are all a prerequisite.

But in almost every case I’ve ever seen, they’re not enough.

Don’t believe me?

Get your bloodwork done.

I think you’ll be shocked at what you find.

Don’t know how to read your bloodwork (or find a good hormone doc)?

Consider joining the Fully Optimized Health community for all the education and doctor recommendations you need to get this handled once and for all.

#3: Peptides And Supplements


You’ve put the work in and got your lifestyle together.

You’ve taken that brave step and fixed your hormonal deficiencies.

NOW you can get to the fun stuff 😎

And guess what?

Because you did it the RIGHT way, you’re in a very ideal position.

Unlike everyone else who’s just shotgunning every peptide under the sun into their inflamed body, you actually have a foundation to work from.

The fact that your body and hormones are firing on all cylinders means that the peptides you do use are gonna work like magic 🙌

👉 And as always, the only place I recommend purchasing them is from Limitless Life Nootropics (use code hunter15 for 15% off)


Hunter Williams