How I'm Going To Eat 5,000 Calories On Thanksgiving

Without Getting Fat

I have a serious confession to make…

I love to eat.

Like A LOT.

So, with Thanksgiving just around the corner, I decided to make a video about how I’m going to eat like a maniac this Thanksgiving without gaining fat.

***WARNING*** If you struggle with weight loss, this probably isn’t for you. But if you want to enjoy your holiday meal without feeling guilty, you can still tailor this protocol to fit in with your schedule.

Thanksgiving Day Strategy

I'm setting up a detailed plan encompassing my entire Thanksgiving Day - from morning workouts to post-meal activities. Here's the breakdown:


  • 6-7AM: Wake Up

  • 7-9AM: Fasted Cardio

  • 9-11AM: Small breakfast and relax

  • 11-1PM: Workout

  • 1-3PM: Family Time

  • 3-7PM: Eat

  • 7-8PM: Walking/Cardio

  • 10:00: Bed

7-9AM: Fasted Cardio

  • 45 minutes on the bike, stairs, or elliptical, or walking up incline

  • 120-140 BPM HR average

  • Supplements before:

    • Metformin – 1000mg

    • Desiccated thyroid – 90mg

    • Probiotics – 2 caps

    • Taurine – 3 grams

    • Cardarine – 20mg

    • Iodine – 3 drops

    • Vitamin B12 – 5000mcg

    • Cardarine – 20mg

    • GH – 1.35iu

    • BPC 157/TB 500 – 250mcg

    • Liquid Albuterol – 3mg

Small Breakfast

  • Supplements Before:

    • Thorne AM Multivitamin

    • PEAK EPA Fish Oil - 2 caps

    • Vitamin D3+K2 – 10000 iu

    • Enzymedica Digest Gold With ATP Pro – 2 caps

    • Carbon 60 – 1 tbsp

    • Lion’s mane mushroom – 500mg

  • Food

    • 4 pieces of turkey bacon

    • 4 boiled eggs

    • 4 unflavored rice cakes

    • 45 grams of oats with 90 grams of blueberries

    • 1 scoop of whey protein

    • Black Coffee

11-1PM – The Workout

  • Pre-workout:

    • Pre workout drink

    • 1 ml of Amino Asylum Monster Pump

    • 1 ml of Amino Asylum Monster Mass

  • Intra-workout:

    • 10g EAAS

    • 5g Creatine Monohydrate

  • Workout:

    • Hack Squat – 2 sets to PMF (failure at 60% of 1RM)

    • Lat Pulldown – 2 sets to PMF

    • Cable Chest Fly – 2 sets to PMF

    • Seated DB Shoulder Press – 2 sets to PMF

    • Rope Grip Triceps Pushdown – 2 sets to PMF

    • EZ Bar Close Grip Biceps Curls – 2 sets to PMF

    • Hanging Leg Raises – 4x15

    • Stairmaster – 20 minutes at level 15

    • Sauna – 20 minutes

1-3 PM

  • Spend time with family and help prepare meal

3-7 PM: EAT

  • Supplements Before:

    • Enzymedica Digest Gold With ATP Pro – 4 caps

    • Enzymedica GlutenEase – 4 caps

    • NBB Naturals Dihydroberberine – 3 caps (600mg)

    • Apple Cider Vinegar – 3 caps

  • Meal: WHATEVER I WANT!!!!


  • LISS cardio for 30-60 minutes

  • Walking outside, bike, elliptical, treadmill


  • Supplements:

    • Thorne PM Multivitamin

    • Magnesium Chloride – 2000mg

    • Magnesium Blend – 5 caps

    • Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin/CJC1295 – 600mcg/300mcg/300mcg

    • Metformin – 1000mg

    • Dihydroberberine – 600mg

    • Activated Charcoal – 2 grams

    • Spirulina – 5 grams

    • Glycine - 5 grams

    • Digest Gold with ATP Pro – 3 caps

    • GlutenEase – 3 caps

Bonus: Friday

  • AM Cardio – 60 minutes LISS fasted cardio (bike, elliptical, stairs)

  • PM Cardio - 30 minutes cardio before dinner

  • Fast until dinner time (24 hours+)

Why This Works for Me

This approach is a culmination of my fitness journey, understanding of my body, and the desire to balance enjoyment with health. It's about making informed choices, understanding the impact of foods and activities on our bodies, and most importantly, not depriving ourselves of life's pleasures.

Your Takeaway

You might not follow my plan to the letter, and that's okay. The idea is to inspire you to create a strategy that works for you. Whether you take some elements of my plan or design a completely different approach, the key is to enjoy the holiday without setting back your fitness goals.

Wishing you all a fantastic and fit Thanksgiving!

Here’s the video if you want to see the whole breakdown!

Wishing you all a fantastic and fit Thanksgiving!

