Life After Testosterone

Crossing the chasm

One of the things I’ve always heard from guys older than me is that, as a man, you live two lives…

Life BEFORE you have children, and life AFTER you have children.

After the birth of their first child, they have a hard time remembering life prior.

Sure, they remember the details.

The dates, the places, the things they did.

But it doesn’t FEEL real.

They remember that they did indeed have a life before fatherhood…

But when they try to recall it, it’s almost as if it’s a different person.

It’s like looking back and seeing the third-person perspective of your doppelganger.

But of course, the opposite is true as well.

When I ask them if the younger version of themselves could realistically imagine what it’s like being a father, the answer is always a resounding NO:

It’s simply impossible to imagine such a radical personal transformation.

The way you feel, the way you live, the way you see the world (and yourself)…

It’s so radically different that no man could imagine it with any degree of accuracy.

This got me thinking…

Because the same phenomenon happens with therapeutic testosterone.

As a Fully Optimized Man, you also live two lives.

Your life BEFORE therapeutic testosterone, and your life AFTER therapeutic testosterone.

Look, if you’ve never had your testosterone optimized, you don’t know what you don’t know.

Sure, you know the symptoms of low T:

❌ Low energy

❌ Brain fog

❌ Difficulty focusing

❌ Low libido

❌ Depression and anxiety

❌ Difficulty building muscle and losing fat

Just like before you have kids, you have some idea of how your life will change.

But you don’t know what it’s going to be like.

You don’t, for example, know what it’s like to get that brain fog under control finally.

Most people think that libido and muscle are the first things to go when testosterone starts to dip.

Not true.

In fact, your libido is usually the LAST thing to tap up.

No, the first thing that starts to go is your mind.

Because it’s the first thing to go, and because it goes on for so long for many men, it becomes normalized.

And you start to think that maybe, just maybe, you don’t have a deficiency…

Maybe it’s ALWAYS been like this.

Or maybe you’re further along in your deficiency.

Here’s a quote from my upcoming book Testosterone: The God Molecule to paint a picture for you ⬇️

Maybe you are a little heavier than you would like to be. You are nervous to take your shirt off in public. Your mind is attracted to women, but your body doesn’t really respond and you don’t see the need to go out and date women. Or even worse, you are in a long-term relationship but you look at your partner as a roommate and business partner. To put a cherry on top, you don’t feel a deep sense of calling, connection, and purpose in your work and just trudge through the week trying to make it to the weekend where you can escape and distract yourself with mindless entertainment like the NFL.

Regardless of where you are on your journey, the bottom line is this:

You (probably) didn’t develop your deficiency yesterday.

For most men, this has been going on for a long time now.

And because of that, you can’t possibly imagine what life will be like once you’re on the other side.

But I can.

I can because I’ve been where you are.

I’ve crossed over to the other side.

And I can tell you this - the difference is night and day.

It truly is a life change on the level of becoming a new father.

I look back at my old life, and I honestly can’t even believe it’s real - it’s like I’m looking at a ghostly, hollowed-out version of the man I am now.

And that’s the point I want all of you to get to as well.

Want my help?

Hit me up for one-to-one coaching or check out the Fully Optimized Health community for more resources.


Hunter Williams

P.S. Want access to the live stream and recordings of Jay and I’s live seminar this weekend? We re-opened our early bird special:

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