Linebackers Vs. The FDA/BigPharma

Defense wins championships


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If you have picked up my book and started reading it, you know by now I see the world through football metaphors.

Today, I want to examine health optimization's state of affairs through a linebacker's eyes.

I played linebacker for 17 years of my life. For all of you who aren’t versed in football lingo, linebackers are the quarterbacks of the defense.

While violence takes place physically on the field, few people realize the second-by-second chess match that is taking place at breakneck speed.

Since this mode of thinking is ingrained in my DNA, I can’t help but apply the same approach to the health optimization game.

Here’s the deal: the FDA and Big Pharma are the offense and quarterback. They are constantly driving new products, innovations, and propaganda.

And the rest of us? All the biohackers, renegades, rogues, saints, and scholars?

We’re on defense.

We’re taking what the offense gives us and devising strategies on the fly to help navigate the frontiers of health optimization.

Sometimes, we get a sack.

Sometimes, we get a three and out.

And sometimes we get a pick-six.

But sometimes, the offense scores a touchdown. They may even go up by multiple scores.

That’s ok. That’s the nature of the beast.

What’s my point in all of this?

We are the future.

We are the leaders when it comes to health optimization.

We can’t control what plays the offense runs, but we can study them, strategize around them, and read the tea leaves to determine the likelihood of their next play.

Ultimately, defense wins championships.

Big Pharma and the FDA will keep pushing, and they’ll likely make moves that could wipe out the tools we’re using right now to stay on top.

Jay and I are fully aware that the cease-and-desist letter could come for any of these innovations at any moment.

SLU-PP-332? Could be gone tomorrow.

Peptides, small molecules, revolutionary agents that redefine health and performance—each one could be at risk of getting swept off the market without warning.

And that’s where you come in.

The best thing you can do is stay on the cutting edge.

Keep zigging when Big Pharma zags.

Stay at the tip of the spear.

We can’t predict exactly what play they’ll run, but we can commit to staying one step ahead, armed with the best information and a community dedicated to making breakthroughs possible.

If you’re ready to keep pushing forward, know we’re here doing the same.

Jay and I are in this with you, sharing everything we’ve got to keep you informed, empowered, and ahead of the curve.

Here’s to the next three and out.



P.S. I am headed to Las Vegas today to speak at the Mr. Olympia convention. If anyone is in Vegas for the event, reach out to me and let’s meet up there!