Why micro-dosing GLP-1 agonists is the future of longevity

One more reason NOT to get these from your doctor

“Why don’t you just go to your doctor?”

If you’ve ever attempted to have a conversation with your friends and family about using research peptides - especially GLP-1 agonists - this is one of the most common responses that you’ll likely be met with.

And of course, the most common counterargument you’ve most likely given them is the economic one.

Look, put aside the fact that if you’re following the stuff we talk about around here, you’re nowhere close to obese and no doctor would ever write you a prescription…

But even if they did, the biggest objection that most people think of is the PRICE:

“Uh, why would I pay $1000 per month when I could get the same product for a few hundred bucks?”

But while that is indeed a fantastic reason to avail yourself of a company like Limitless Life Nootropics (always use code hunter15 to take 15% off), in my opinion, it’s not the main one.

The REAL reason you should be using these vendors?


Like I keep telling you, you’re doctor has absolutely no clue what he’s doing.

He doesn’t understand hormones, he doesn’t understand nutrition, he doesn’t understand peptides, and he DEFINITELY doesn’t understand how to use GLP-1 agonists in the most effective way possible.

Your average allopathic doctor understands two things and two things only:

🗡️💊 Drugs and surgery



So why would you trust him with your peptide protocol?

Because that’s exactly what you’re doing when you get your GLP-1 agonists from him 🤦

You’re playing by HIS rules.

❌ HE decides what your dose is

❌ HE decides how and when you take it

❌ HE has the power to decide whether or not to continue writing you a prescription…or whether to cut you off

Seriously, try going to him with the kind of cutting-edge protocols we talk about around here

I promise you he’s going to be very, VERY unhappy that you went over his head (these dudes have massive egos in case you didn’t notice 🤣)

And when it comes to cutting-edge protocols and GLP-1 agonists, one of the biggest plays right now is microdosing.

This is something that Jay Campell and I have been doing recently, and we’ve been seeing STELLAR results with it.

Taking these agents in very small doses allows us to do a few things.

For starters, it lets us get our appetite suppression in CONTROLLED amounts.

Because let’s face it, there are instances where you don’t want maximum appetite suppression EVERY single day of the week.

Ask anyone who’s attempted to get through a high carb refeed day on 2.5 mg of tirzepatide and they’ll tell you - it’s no easy feat.

And small doses allow for that short-term maneuverability that’s critical to dieting at the most advanced levels.

But microdosing comes with a whole host of other benefits as well.

It allows individuals who aren’t necessarily looking to drop weight and suppress appetite the opportunity to use these agents and harness the OTHER benefits that they bring.

Cleansing the microbiome cleansing, fighting addiction, rewiring the reward brain’s reward circuitry…

All of these health applications that go WAY beyond appetite suppression.

And honestly, we’re just scratching the surface of what these agents are capable of.

🙌 So much so that I firmly believe that this practice of micro-dosing GLP-1 agonists represents the FUTURE of anti-aging and longevity…

But you’re not going to be able to do this if you’re working with a doctor.

Find me the doc who’s willing to let you microdose your Wegovy prescription, and I’ll find you a unicorn 😉


Hunter Williams