[New Video]: 42 Reasons To NEVER Block Estrogen

Why this is truly one of the dumbest things you can do

When you think of estrogen, what comes to mind?

Tell the truth - do you think it’s the “girl hormone”? 🤣

Cause that’s what most normies think.

In fact, I’d go as far as to say that the general population likely has no clue that MEN actually produce estrogen at all 🤦

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a little sharper than the average bear (at least I HOPE you are)….

But even amongst people “in the know,” there are still a TON of misconceptions surrounding estrogen.

And some of the worst offenders are guys on therapeutic testosterone - and the doctors managing their protocols.

Here’s the deal…

We all know that as testosterone levels rise, so too does estrogen.

And unfortunately, one of the nuggets of bodybuilder lore that won’t die is the idea that increased estrogen levels need to be suppressed (usually with the use of aromatase inhibitor drugs).

Makes sense, right?

After all, excess estrogen levels can cause all kinds of problems in men…

And if those levels are rising thanks to a testosterone optimization therapy protocol, then it makes sense that we should take every measure we can to stop it, right?


And not just wrong - DANGEROUSLY wrong.

So, if you’re a man on testosterone (or you’re considering getting on it), then this video is for you.

Today, I’m going to give you 42 reasons why suppressing your estrogen is a horrible, terrible, no good idea...and what to do instead.

You’ll learn:

✅ How 300,000-500,000 men are being prescribed aromatase inhibitors (and why it’s gradually destroying their bodies

✅ Why gyno is NOT a sign of high estrogen

✅ Why so many of the symptoms of “high estrogen” are actually symptoms of insulin resistance (get lean and tell me that you’re having these problems 🙄

✅ Why low testosterone will make your joints feel like they’re on fire

✅ Why high estrogen in older men is associated with BETTER cognitive health

✅ Why it’s CRUCIAL for libido and sexual function

✅ Why it REDUCES hair loss in men

✅ How it helps stimulate growth hormone

✅ My own experience crashing my estrogen

✅ Why you should RUN, not walk, if your doctor tries to put you on an aromatase inhibitor

And a whole lot more.

