[New Video]: Bioregulators vs Peptides

Get ready for the future

If the recent release of Regenovive has taught us anything, it’s the fact that bioregulators are the FUTURE of health and healing.

Of course, I already knew that 😁

For the last few years, I've known that these things are going to change the game—and not just in a big way.

But it’s one thing to understand it intellectually versus actually seeing it applied in real-time…

And witnessing these agents blow every other healing modality we have out of the water 🤯

And if the testimonials are any indication, these things aren’t just going to disrupt modern medicine—they’re going to SHATTER it.

With that said, there still appears to be a bit of confusion.

Although Jay Campbell and I have discussed these things before, many people are still confused about what bioregulators are…

And how they differ from “traditional” peptides.

So, since you’ll be seeing A LOT more bioregulator products very soon, I thought I’d take this opportunity to provide some basic education.

A little “Biogregulators 101” class for everyone.

In this video, I’ll be breaking down everything you need to know about the distinction between bioregulators and peptides, including:

✅ The basic structure and function of each

✅ How bioregulators are specific to organs and tissues (and why that’s so incredible)

✅ What a bioregulator amino acid sequence looks like (and it’s so important)

✅ How they influence gene expression

✅ How they promote homeostasis and why they’re inherently self-regulating (it’s nearly impossible to overdose on these things)

✅ Why peptides have a much broader systemic effect on the body

✅ The legal status of bioregulators vs peptides

✅ What makes them orally bioavailable

✅ Why “peptide tolerance” is a real thing (and why the risk is so low with bioregulators)

And more.


Hunter Williams

P.S. Limitless is still in the process of liquidating its stock of tirzepatide.

Get 10% off any purchase of tirzepatide and 20% off when you purchase 10 vials or more.

This will be in effect until July 7th or whenever they sell out, whichever comes first.