[New Video]: HGH for fat loss

My research protocol and experience

Growth hormone.

We all want more of it.

I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what your situation is - unless you’re already blasting supraphysiological doses, you could probably use more.


Because it helps with just about everything.

That’s not an exaggeration - if there’s one compound that lives up to the hype, it’s this one.

Now, when it comes to HGH, most of the hype is in the realm of muscle building.

And understandably so.

After all, this has been used in the bodybuilding community for decades now (usually in, ahem, irresponsible doses).

But in my opinion, this is one of the single most UNDERRATED supplements for fat loss.

It’s something I’ve been using for years now.

And while I’ve seen a ton of benefits in other key areas, I’m consistently blown away by just how effective it is for TORCHING body fat.

So, how do I use this stuff?

And most importantly, how do I use this stuff the right way?

Because at the end of the day, there are a lot of people out there who are doing it WRONG.

Glad you asked.

In this video, you’ll learn:

✅ What growth hormone is, how it’s made in the body, and its various functions

✅ Why so many aging adults have a growth hormone deficiency

✅ The basic mechanics behind growth hormone and fat loss (all the different pathways in which this works)

✅ Why dosing is critical on this one (the difference between a pill and a poison is the dose)

✅ The potential side effects (and how to mitigate most of them)

✅ The right dose for optimal fat loss

✅  What healthy human growth hormone production looks like

✅ How to cycle it (and the role peptides can play)

And more.

Check out the video


Hunter Williams