[New Video]: Life Support from Amino Asylum

A comprehensive review + guide


Mark my words, in the next 50 years, it will be one of the most important skills humans develop.

And yes, I said skill.

Because when it comes to living in the modern world, we are BOMBARDED with a cascade of heavy metals, pesticides, and poisons on a daily basis.

Many folks assume as long as you’re living “clean”, you don’t really need to worry about detoxing.

Well, for the most part, I live VERY clean, and let me tell you - I’m VERY concerned about what’s going on in our environment.

Unfortunately, regardless of your militant attention to detail…

The sad truth is EVERYONE in modern society is exposed to toxicity.

I don’t care who you are, and I don’t care how vigilant you are - unless you’re living completely off the grid, you are being exposed to lead, glyphosate, PCBs, BPAs, fluoride, etc.

And those toxins ARE having an impact on your health.

It’s kinda funny when you think about it…

The optimization world is obsessed with is adding things to our regimen.

Adding peptides, adding supplements, adding hormones…and on and on.

Which is all great stuff.

But sometimes it’s not about what you can add to your body…

But you can REMOVE.

👉 And if you want to remove all this toxic crap from YOUR body, then this video is for you.

Today I’m going to be reviewing Life Support by Amino Asylum.

I’ve used a lot of detoxing supplements in my life, and let me tell you, this is one of the most EFFECTIVE.

You’ll learn:

✅ How Life Support goes to work detoxifying the liver

✅ A full breakdown of the ingredients and what they do (very high-quality stuff)

✅ How injectable choline in this formulation provides such a nice shot of energy (without the jitteriness)

✅ Why this is so great for purging the body of seed oils (great if you have to travel and eat out)

✅ How it helps support gut health (critical for detox and anti-aging)

✅ Why you might have a nasty reaction to this if you’re highly inflamed

✅ How to dose Life Support

✅ Whether or not you should inject this intramuscularly or subcutaneously

And more.

Check out the video:

👉 You can get 20% off Life Support from Amino Asylum when you use code hunter20


Hunter Williams