New Video]: Ozempic Is Snake Venom?

Top GLP-1 myths debunked

Imagine being an obese person.

Imagine you were in this situation, and you’d been this way for years - or even DECADES - of your life.

Imagine you’d reached the point where you’d tried everything in the book to lose weight:

❌ You’ve tried the diets

❌ You’ve tried the boot camps

❌ You’ve tried all the worthless supplements

Sure, maybe you had a little success, and you lost a few pounds.

But no matter what you did, the weight just kept…



And then one day you heard about GLP-1 agonists.

Maybe you see the Ozempic commercials (catchy jingle, I know 😁)

Or maybe you know a friend or family member who tried Ozempic and had RAVING success.

And of course, being obese, miserable, and watching your health gradually slip between your fingers, YOU decide you want to try them too 🙌

That is until you start scrolling the internet…

And you start reading the stories 😱

❌ Stories of muscle loss

❌ Stories about how you’re going to get thyroid cancer

❌ You even hear stories about how Ozempic is (allegedly) made out of snake venom!

So you decide not to do it…

And you go back to doing exactly what you were doing before:

☠️ Eating yourself to an early grave

Ladies and gentlemen, this right here is why I get so outraged by all of these MYTHS about GLP-1 agonists.

I know better.

My clients know better.

The members of FOH know better.

But your average person does NOT.

So, I finally decided enough is ENOUGH.

Today’s video is about the EGREGIOUS GLP-1 agonist myths that have spread throughout the internet.

If you know someone who’s struggling with their weight but won’t take a GLP-1 agonist because they’re scared, PLEASE send this to them.

And if YOU buy into the myths, then today’s video will set you straight.

You’ll learn:

✅ The long history of GLP-1 peptides (even though they seemed to pop out of nowhere)

✅ The future of these agents

✅ Where the “Ozempic is snake venom” myth came from

✅ Why the GLP-1/thyroid cancer studies are junk (you’re a human, not a mouse)

✅ Why everyone gets “Ozempic face” wrong

✅ How to mitigate ALL of the side effects (it ain’t that hard)

✅ Why GLP-1s and alcohol are a NASTY combo

✅ The great dependency myth (“but I have to take it for life!”)

✅ Why you can GAIN muscle on GLP-1 agonists

✅ My best practice guide for INSANE results

And more.

Check it out:

👉 And if you really want a full deep dive into how to use GLP-1 agonists in the most effective way possible, be sure to pick up the brand new The Ultimate GLP-1 Video Masterclass

And if you pull the trigger TONIGHT before midnight PST, you can save 50% and get it for just $149!


Hunter Williams