[New Video]: Peptides For Cholesterol?

Strategies and dosages included

I remember when I was a kid, cholesterol was the talk of the town amongst all the Dads.

And if you’re around my age (or were an adult male yourself in the 90s), you likely remember this time period…

The FEAR that having high cholesterol struck in the hearts of men everywhere 😂 

And that fear led a lot of men (and women) to make some insanely stupid health choices.

❌ Avoiding red meat

❌ Overeating on carbs (“eat your Raisin Bran Dad, it’ll lower your cholesterol” 😂)

❌ Overdoing it on the cardio

Fortunately, we now know better (or at least SOME of us know better).

We know that the fear that was pumped into so many people was not only way overblown, but the whole cholesterol situation is a lot more complicated than our clueless doctors once thought.

A bad doctor will STILL tell you that total cholesterol over 200 is automatically high.

A more informed doctor will tell you that if you have high LDL cholesterol that’s bad, while HDL is your good cholesterol.

And a GREAT doctor will tell you that it’s really about triglycerides and inflammation in the body.

And unfortunately, that list is in order from most common to least common 🤦

So, with that out of the way, today’s video is all about peptides that can help with high cholesterol.

Because while this might not be the four-headed demon it was made out to be in the 90s, cholesterol still matters.

In this video, you’ll learn:

✅ All the lifestyle factors that lead to high cholesterol

✅ The connection between thyroid hormone and high cholesterol

✅ Why alcohol is DEVASTATING for LDL and triglycerides

✅ Why insulin resistance is public enemy number one for cholesterol

✅ Why tirzepatide improved my client’s bloodwork dramatically

✅ Why reducing oxidative stress is key (and which peptide I recommend for that purpose)

✅ Which growth hormone peptide I recommend adding to help scorch visceral body fat

✅ The underrated drug that can positively impact your lipid profile (think statins minus the HORRIFIC side effects)

✅  Why metformin is a staple for high cholesterol 

✅ How all of these agents work synergistically (and how I would schedule dosing)

And a whole lot more.

Check it out:


Hunter Williams