[New Video]: PT-141 - The Libido-Enhancing Peptide

Plus the ULTIMATE stack for arousal and performance

Of all the areas you could potentially optimize for, it’s hard to think of one that could have a bigger impact on quality of life than sex.

Apart from fat loss and muscle growth, it’s amongst the most popular topics I get questions on (from both men and women).

Let’s just be real for a second - most people DO NOT have very good sex lives.

One of the more disturbing statistics I’ve seen going around is the fact that sexual activity has been gradually declining over the last few decades.

And there’s a lot of reasons for this:

Hormonal deficiencies and imbalances (especially testosterone)

The breakdown of socializing (and a growing lack of social skills)

An increasing hostility between men and women

But the result is always the same - a MASSIVE decline in quality of life.

In fact, I think this decline is responsible for a massive imbalance of masculine and feminine energy across humanity.

When it comes to FIXING this issue, I’m always a fan of getting to the bottom of what’s wrong…

But there’s no question that a “libido-enhancing peptide” like PT-141 can help.

Even if you’re NOT hormonally optimized and haven’t got your nutrition and lifestyle dialed in yet, you’ll probably still be able to get some benefits out of it (maybe even enough to get the ball rolling again).

And if you are optimized and firing on all cylinders?

Oh baby 😎🔥

In this video, you’ll learn all about:

How PT-141 works

How it gets around the issue of priapism, a.k.a “prolonged erections” (if you’ve tried Melanotan 2, you know what I’m talking about)

The specific receptors it binds to to enhance sexual arousal

Why it’s a fantastic alternative to high doses of Cialis and Viagra

  Why this is a great option for both men AND women

The ideal dosing protocol

How it targets the nervous system rather than blood flow (key difference)

How to time your dosing around sexual activity (timing’s critical on this one)

  Which peptides and other agents to stack it with for maximum arousal and sexual function

And more.

Check out the video👇


Hunter Williams

P.S. You can pick up PT-141 at Limitless Life Nootropics (use code hunter15 for 15% off)