[New Video]: How To Sleep Like A Baby With DSIP

Everything you need to know

If there’s one thing that will either guarantee you have a good life - or a TERRIBLE life - it’s sleep.

There are no two ways around this:

Sleep is essential.

It’s at the very foundation of developing an optimized lifestyle, and one of the reasons why I put so much effort into making sure that my sleep hygiene and circadian rhythm regulation are on point.

Not only is it crucial for optimal health, but it will also have downstream effects on everything else that you’re trying to do.

Want to build lean muscle?

You gotta sleep.

Want to lose fat?

Sleep (try going a night on 3 hours and tell me how your hunger is doing).

Want to enhance mood and cognition?

You guessed it - SLEEP.

The problem is that, in the modern world, most people have issues with this.

In fact, I’d probably go as far as to say that HALF of America has some kind of a sleep problem.

And sometimes the problem isn’t even insomnia or not being able to pass out.

Sometimes the problem is STAYING asleep.

And not just staying asleep, but getting that deep, restful, restorative slumber that your body and brain need to recover.

And if you think that might be you, then today’s video on DSIP is for you.

You’ll learn all about:

✅ What Delta sleep is and why it’s so important

✅ Why this type of sleep decreases significantly with age

✅ How DSIP crosses the blood-brain barrier and goes to work

✅ The many benefits of this peptide that go beyond sleep

✅ Why it will NOT help you fall asleep (and the other peptides that will)

✅ Why you can get 8 hours of sleep per night and STILL feel exhausted the next morning

✅ The sleep/mental health connection

✅ The ideal starting dose and what you should titrate up to

✅ The ultimate “knock you out cold” peptide stack

✅ Why this could be an incredible peptide for aging men

And more.

Check out the video 👇

And to pick up DSIP, head on over to Limitless Life Nootropics and use code hunter15 for 15% off.


Hunter Williams