[New Video]: Super Shredder vs The Shredder

Amino Asylum Product Review

Most of the fat burners I tried in my younger years never worked.

Except for a brief period in my teens (who hasn’t been an impressionable teenage dude getting into this for the first time), I learned to discern truth from falsehood on the GNC store shelf.

❌ The exaggerated claims

❌ The cheesy, flashy packaging

❌ The fake testimonials

But, of course, most guys aren’t so lucky.

Most gym bros (even guys old enough to know better) fall for the gimmicks in their never-ending quest to get lean.

They find some brilliantly marketed supplement and swear up and down that THIS will be the one.

THIS will be the thing that pushes them to the next level…

Only to take it for a few weeks and find themselves $30 poorer and absolutely ZERO pounds leaner.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I entered the wonderful world of research molecules and found something that actually works.

“Fat burners” (for lack of a better word) that actually accelerate the fat-burning process.

And today I’m going to talk about two in particular from Amino Asylum that are the real deal - The Shredder and The Super Shredder.

Will they rip 30 pounds of fat off you?

Will they let you live the dream of eating tacos all day while you watch your newfound abs slowly etch themselves across your stomach?


But they’re light years better than any garbage at your local Vitamin Shoppe.

In this video, you’ll learn:

✅ All of the different ingredients in both products and how they support fat loss

✅ The effects these agents have on my cardio (you might just run forever 😂)

✅ How I WAY overdid it on one of these bad boys

✅ My dosage recommendations for each

✅ Which one I use to get REALLY shredded (and how I mitigate the side effects)

✅ A few of the other use cases for these

✅ The one supplement you always want on hand when using SUPER Shredder

And more.

You can purchase both The Shredder and the Super Shredder from Amino Asylum (use code hunter20 for 20% off)


Hunter Williams

P.S. From now until midnight EST on Monday, July 8, Jay and I are offering all four of our courses on peptides at a 50% discount: