[New Video]: How To Use Selank To Reduce Anxiety

Try this before you reach for the benzos

Over 40 million adult Americans have an anxiety disorder.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Over 19% of American adults suffer from full-blown anxiety, while nearly 1/3 have symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Now, those numbers should be shocking, but honestly, I’m not shocked in the slightest.

Because at the end of the day, our modern society is INTENTIONALLY engineered to cause anxiety.

From social media and the havoc it’s wreaking on people…

To the way the modern workforce is set up (where you’re ALWAYS on call at a moment’s notice), it’s easy to see why these are so prevalent.

Throw in the fact our bodies and brains are under a constant, 24-7 assault from endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and I’m honestly surprised this number isn’t HIGHER.

And how do most people treat it?

Do they try to figure out what’s going wrong with their body?

Do they reach for a peptide to try to help them alleviate their symptoms?

Of course not - they go straight for the drugs.

Over 12% of Americans use benzodiazepines and at least 1 in 8 take some kind of antidepressant (usually SSRIs).

BUT…this doesn’t have to be you.

Because if you’ve found yourself in this situation, I’ve got just the thing for you.

Today’s video is all about one of my favorite brain peptides Selank.

You’ll learn:

✅ How it was developed in Russia

✅ It’s mechanisms of action, and the impact it has on the central nervous system

✅ How it works to improve symptoms of anxiety AND depression

✅ Why this is PERFECT if you have a super stressful job

✅ The potential sleep benefits

✅ Why there’s almost no risk of dependency (which is more than I can say for SSRIs)

✅ The ideal dosing schedule

✅ Which other peptides to stack it with

✅ Which other supplements to use with it

And more.

Check out the video👇

To purchase Selank, be sure to head over to Limitless Life Nootropics and use code hunter15 for 15% off.


Hunter Williams