[New Video]: How To Use Tesofensine For Maximum Fat Loss And Focus

My EXTENSIVE experience with this amazing compound

Happy Friday!

I consider myself one of THE foremost experts on tesofensine.

Bold claim, I know.

But when it comes to this stuff specifically, I really don’t know ANYONE who has the kind of experience with it that I do.

The truth is that Jay Campbell and I got on this stuff early…

And as soon as I tried it, I was blown away, and I knew I had to start using it with my coaching clients and the people in my inner circle.

And use it I did.


And the results have been pretty spectacular…

But perhaps not entirely for the reasons that you’re thinking.

You see, this stuff has a powerful reputation for appetite suppression.

And it’s certainly well-earned.

But in my experience (and the experience of the people I’ve worked with)?

This stuff goes WAY beyond fat loss.

It’s also one of the greatest cognitive enhancers that I’ve ever come across as well.

In this video, you’ll learn all about:

✅ Tesofensine’s history as a Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s drug (and how the research shifted to weight loss)

✅ The pathways that it targets for appetite suppression

✅ How it absolutely kills “boredom eating”

✅ How it helps suppress insulin (critical for health and longevity)

✅ How to get your dose right to avoid insomnia

✅ Why there’s so much variation in individual response

✅ How tesofensine is FUNDAMENTALLY different than an SSRI

✅ Why this is probably not the solution to depression (and where to look first instead)

✅ How tesofensine makes you feel good AND get stuff done 😎

✅ Why it’s less addictive than coffee (seriously)

✅ The best peptide to combine it with for maximum fat loss

✅ The one group of people who should AVOID tesofensine

And more.

Click below to check out the video


Hunter Williams