Objectivity = Success

The secret sauce to making progress

Most of you are well aware of my history with my mentor Jay Campbell.

You know Jay was the guy who helped turn things around for me in my late 20s…

And got me on therapeutic testosterone.

If you know anything about my history with testosterone, you’ll know my life literally would not be what it is now if I hadn’t made that leap.

But when I look back at my mentor/mentee relationship with Jay, it wasn’t just the fact he was able to impart decades of wisdom onto me in a few short months…

It’s the OBJECTIVITY he brought to the process.

Let me explain.

I’ve always been pretty knowledgeable about health, wellness, and optimization.

Don’t get me wrong - I’ve come a LONG way.

18 year old Hunter’s knowledge pales in comparison to the wealth of knowledge I have now.

But I certainly knew A LOT more than the average bear.

By the time I turned 18 and started playing college football, I easily could have landed a job as a trainer in a commercial gym (as I’m sure most of you on my email list could).

But applying knowledge to MYSELF was a different story.

I only knew what I knew. Which meant I continued to train like a D1 athlete well past my time as a competitor.

I would NEVER recommend the training methodologies of a competitive athlete to anyone who’s not a professional (or aspiring professional) athlete.

❌ I knew it wasn’t sustainable

​❌ I knew it was terrible on my joints

❌ I knew it was an injury waiting to happen

But I put myself through it anyway.


Simple - I couldn’t be objective.

When it came to ME, I was convinced I was the exception…

That I was the one-in-a-million guy who could pull it off.

And then Jay came around, took one look at what I was doing, went “bro, why are you doing what you’re doing?” and got me on an intelligent protocol.

And no, I don’t think it’s just me, and it’s not just the gym - I’m sure ALL of you type A go-getters can relate to this.

There are so many people out there who will:

❌ Try to drop their calories way too low and spend way too long in a deficit because THEY can get away with it

❌ Refuse to get on therapeutic testosterone because THEY are the one-in-a-million guy who’s gonna “raise it naturally” 🙄

❌ Shotgun a million peptides at once😂

All despite knowing better.

And here’s the thing - it’s not just my relationship with Jay.

This objectivity has been the winning factor in ALL the coaching I’ve received throughout my life.

Take training for football.

Imagine all of the various demands required to get yourself into a state where you can play at a high level.

Diet, strength training, cardio, conditioning, recovery, injury management, etc.

You think I could have managed all of this myself?

And more importantly, do you think I could have possibly been objective about my own performance on the football field?

Absolutely NOT.

So, what about YOU?

Are you being objective with your plans to reach YOUR health goals?

Look, I’m not going compare living a fully optimized lifestyle is on the same level as preparing yourself for a potential career in the NFL…

But still, there’s a lot to it:

✅ Hormonal optimization

✅ Diet and nutrition

✅ Training

✅ Sleep and recovery

✅ Environmental detoxification

✅ Supplements

✅ Peptide protocols

Want me to help you get a plan together?

More importantly, want me to bring the CRUCIAL objectivity you MUST have to get to the next level?

👉 Click HERE to find out if you’re a good fit for coaching, or book a 30 or 60-minute consulting call.


Hunter Williams

P.S. If you are a seeker and interested in WHY there is a massive agenda to suppress our health, wealth, and prosperity, check out the podcast launching today with Jay, myself, and Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

Laura is the MOST shadowbanned person in modern history. Her life story is truly “stranger than fiction”.

Check out part 1 of our 6 part series on Jay’s YT channel.