The One Change You MUST Make To Your Diet

Is this the dietary “magic bullet” you’ve been looking for?

I REALLY wish I could give you a magic bullet.

Something that would completely revolutionize and transform your health and lead to a milk-and-honey land of vitality.

Sadly (as you might have guessed), no such magic bullet exists.

And yes, that includes everyone’s favorite so-called magic bullet - peptides.

You may recall that I put out an email recently on the “Three Pillars of Optimization”.

And for those of you who didn’t, it works like this:

Lifestyle > Hormonal Optimization > Peptides & Advanced Optimization Protocols

That’s right - lifestyle is at the BASE of your totem pole.

The quality of your lifestyle will make or break everything else that you do.

And within the category of “lifestyle” is all that grunt work that you’ve probably been avoiding…

And there’s A LOT.

Sleep, circadian rhythm optimization, diet, environmental toxin exposure, training, cardio…the list goes on and on.

And if you’ve been neglecting your lifestyle, the question of “where do I even start” will inevitably rear its ugly head.

Which is why I’m using these emails as an opportunity to give you the tools to start prioritizing.

Basically, I want to help you deal with all of the “prime movers” - the fundamental things that can be solved relatively quickly that will make a MASSIVE difference.

Case in point, last week I put out an email all about how simply getting out in the sun every day will DRAMATICALLY improve everything from mood and circadian rhythm regulation to body composition.

And today, I want to talk about the ONE thing that you can start doing TODAY with your diet that will make everything else easier:

Live insulin controlled.

If you can simply do this one thing, you will make MASSIVE changes to both your body composition (i.e. less fat and more muscle) as well as your overall health.

If you’ve been following me and my mentor Jay Campbell, you’ll know that this is something we preach endlessly about.

And it really is that important.

Unfortunately, it’s also incredibly misunderstood.

You see, a lot of people confuse“insulin-controlled living” with something like a ketogenic diet.

That’s not it at all.

It’s NOT a zero-carb diet.

It’s not even a LOW-carb diet.

Yes, there is overlap, but it’s not quite the same thing.

Low carb simply means that - reducing your carb intake as much as possible.

But insulin-controlled living is more nuanced and sophisticated than that.

While there is an aspect of carbohydrate minimization involved, it also involves:

✅ Focusing on and prioritizing low-glycemic carbohydrates

✅ Increasing your carb intake around training and minimizing it during periods of rest

✅ Fasting for 24+ hours at least 1-2x per week

✅ Focusing on the other aspects of your life that affect the hormone insulin (like sleep)

So, why do we do this?

First of all, insulin is very inflammatory.

And minimizing inflammation will extend your life, help keep you free from disease, keep your hormones running optimally, and just generally make you feel amazing.

Basically, it’s at the heart of everything we do in optimization.

But we also do it to make sure we get the best of both worlds.

At the end of the day, insulin is kind of a double-edged sword.

On the hand, its role in regulating glucose means that, when used correctly alongside proper residence training, it can help put that glucose to good use and shuttle it to the muscles.

On the other hand, an excess of insulin helps promote fat storage.

And fat, as we say, is always FATAL.

So, there you go!

Focus on this for the next few weeks, and I promise you’ll look and feel 1000x better.


Hunter Williams,

P.S. Need help setting up your diet?

Want to get all this pesky “lifestyle” stuff dialed in and on lock so you can move onto the NEXT level of optimization?

👉 Consider booking a consultation call or working with me 1-1

👉 You can also check out the Fully Optimized Health Community that I’m heavily involved with

Not only will you find an absolute goldmine of resources on diet and lifestyle inside, but you’ll also have the opportunity to ask Jay and I all your questions at the weekly AMAs.