Optimism in 2025

An objective lens

Happy New Year’s Eve!

Just in case you missed yesterday’s email -

Are you a glass-half-empty or half-full person?

Many look at the world around them and feel a profound despair.

It’s easy to see why when you consider:

❌ Soaring obesity rates

❌ Hormone levels tumbling

❌ A crumbling economy

❌ Crackdowns on civil liberties (especially regarding health and what we put into our bodies)

So why aren’t I bothered?

It’s not because I’m indifferent.

I’ve trained myself to see the glass as half full.

Optimism—the willingness to embrace a positive outlook — is one of the principles of living a fully optimized life.

It all comes back to reality creation—the idea that you, and you alone, control your world.

Maybe this sounds a little too “woo-woo” for you.

That’s fine.

Even if you don’t buy into it, there’s an objective case for optimism here.

We now have an administration in the White House explicitly pro-health and anti-Big Food and Big Pharma.

Yeah, yeah, I get it…

“Politicians are all full of hot air.”

“Actions speak louder than words—I’ll believe it when I see it.”


But having an administration bold enough to say these things is cause for cautious optimism.

Additionally, advancements in peptides and anti-aging technology have exponentially accelerated.

2025 could be a massive year.

And last but not least, 2025 is the year BioLongevity Labs will be fully unleashed on the world.

Yes, as an owner, I’m obviously biased.

But I’m biased for a good reason.

My goal is simple: to build the research company I wish existed when I started.

One source for everything needed to optimize your body and mind.

Everything listed above points to one fact:

We are living through a great bifurcation in society.

On one side are the masses—those content with living, eating, and participating in the Great Allopathic Medical Borg.

On the other hand, there are people like us.

People building alternative systems, economies…

And realities.

That alone is enough to make me optimistic. 🙂


Hunter Williams
