💓 How Optimization Could Save Your Relationship

Hormones, peptides, and the gender war

Even though I’m still in my early 30s, I’m consistently shocked at how BAD things have gotten between young men and women.

And it’s not even just young people anymore.

Everywhere I look, it seems men and women are at each other's throats.

Look, I’m not running a political email list here.

I’m not going to sit here and run down all of the complex sociological reasons why this is happening.

But if you live in the modern, developed Western world, you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.

If you look at the background and timeline of our current situation (and it’s been going on for a long time now), you’ll notice something interesting:

The modern “gender war” tracks almost PERFECTLY with the modern health crisis.

❌ Obesity

❌ Diabetes

❌ Heart disease

❌ Autoimmune disorders

Ironically, while these conditions have skyrocketed:

❌ Divorce has ripped through society (and become normalized)

❌ People have stopped having sex (in MASSIVE numbers)

❌ Men and women are no longer pairing up in long term relationships (and in some cases even interacting with each other)

Honestly, I’m not surprised.

Because if you think about it, there’s a very logical reason why these two things are happening simultaneously.

If you caught my video last Friday with my girlfriend Taylor, one of the things we talked about is our relationship - and how living a fully optimized lifestyle has helped it TREMENDOUSLY.

Obviously, it’s a lot easier to have a quality relationship when both people are healthy, happy, and living in abundant health.

But there’s something else going on as well - and it’s a spiritual component:

Living a fully optimized life means enhancing and EMBRACING your masculine and feminine essence.

Ask any guy who’s hopped on therapeutic testosterone, or any woman who’s balanced her hormones, and they’ll all tell you the same thing:

You just feel like you’re supposed to.

♂ Men feel like men

♀ Women feel like women

Like nature intended it.

All of this makes having a loving relationship 10X easier.

It makes it easier when both partners are living in their natural energy, and when the magical masculine/feminine polarity is restored.

Poor environmental health = poor human health.

Because when your health goes down the toilet, you lose touch with your TRUE self.

Think about what we’re seeing today:

Women want to be men, and men want to be women.

Most women today want to be boss babes 😂

And don’t even get me started on the way most “men” are behaving.

The two genders are even starting to LOOK like each other (most guys today literally have boobs instead of pecs) 🤯

Optimization is the way out of all of this.

By getting your health together, you (and your partner) can break the vicious cycle, restore that divine spark in your relationship…

And start living like you were supposed to.


Hunter Williams

P.S. Are you currently single?

Want to meet someone who “gets it” and is striving for health and vitality just like you?

Consider joining the Fully Optimized Health community.

No, this is NOT a dating site 😂

But with almost 400 members and a ton of community interaction, there are an absolute TON of single men and women in the group who are in the exact same situation you’re in…

And looking for that special someone.