Optimizing Your Hormones...With Peptides?

Why this is the WORST strategy

I have something to admit to you guys…

When it comes to peptides, I’ve been misleading you.

Not intentionally, of course.

But if the emails that I get are any indication, it does seem like there’s a bit of a misunderstanding going on here.

Because a lot of you seem to think that peptides will do…well, just about EVERYTHING.

And I think that I may have inadvertently contributed to this.

After all, I do put out video after video hyping up my favorite peptides (and all of their amazing benefits).

And for good reason…

Cause they’re awesome 😁

Used properly, they can:

💪 Help build muscle and burn fat

🧴 Improve skin elasticity

🤕 Heal injuries and wounds

🧠 Ramp up cognition

📈 Enhance lifespan

🦠 Prevent and treat viral infections

And that’s a tiny fraction of what these agents are capable of 🙌


There are limits.

Peptides won’t cook your breakfast for you 😂

They won’t clean your kitchen, they won’t pick you up from the airport…

And they won’t optimize your hormones.

Why am I bringing this up?

Because I get so many emails from guys who are so clearly suffering from a testosterone deficiency…

And they’re looking for the right peptide to treat it.

Not gonna happen.

There’s no two ways around this.

❌ If you have a testosterone deficiency, no peptide is going to cure it

❌ If you have a testosterone deficiency, no supplement is going to cure it

There’s only one thing that will cure a testosterone deficiency…


That’s it.

Bioidentical therapeutic testosterone is your answer.

First things first, if you’re deficient in a hormone, that means that you’ll need to be taking something daily (or almost daily) to replace it.

That doesn’t work with peptides.

We all know that if you take peptides for too long without cycling off, you start to experience antibody buildup and receptor attenuation, making them less effective.

Let me put it to you this way…

Think of a car.

Imagine you got a brand new Lamborghini with all the options, upgrades, bells, and whistles…

But inside was the engine of a Honda Civic.

How “optimally” do you think your new car would function?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

And this is EXACTLY what happens when you take peptides without being hormonally optimized.

Peptides are great…but they’re the UPGRADES.

Your hormones are the engine.

And if that thing’s not firing on all cylinders?

Well, you got a pretty junky car on your hands, now don’t you? 

Not to mention the fact that you’ve just pissed a whole lot of money down the toilet.

Look, I get it…

Finding a hormone doctor who’s not a total quack is rough.

I had a guy email me the other day and tell me that his doctor wouldn’t give him testosterone - despite testing at 0.6 ng/dl of free testosterone😳


Because his TOTAL testosterone was 600 ng/dl.

And for those of you who don’t know, it’s your free testosterone that really is the determining factor.

Basic hormone knowledge 101…which apparently nobody shared with this guy’s clueless doctor 🙄

So, I do understand where you’re coming from if you’re looking for “alternatives”.

But at the end of the day, it won’t do one bit of good.

The good news?

There absolutely ARE ways around this.

There ARE ways to educate yourself, connect with quality doctors, and take matters into your own hands.

This is one of the big reasons I encourage people to join the Fully Optimized Health Community.

Over the years, we’ve been gradually building up a growing network of cutting-edge hormone doctors we can vouch for and recommend (not to mention a mountain of premium content on the topic of hormones).

And if you feel like you need more personalized attention and advice on the topic of setting up your hormone replacement protocol, you can always book a consulting call with me or consider signing up for coaching.

And once your hormones are optimized?

THEN you can move on to the fun stuff (use code hunter15 for 15% off at checkout) 😁


Hunter Williams