The peptide bioregulator healing cream I WISHED I had

Get Regenovive NOW before it sells out

Want to know what the worst thing about playing college football is?

I’ll give you a hint - it’s not the grueling practices and training.

Sure, there were moments when I legitimately did not want to be at practice.

But for the most part, I LOVED them.

At the end of the day, they’re what built my character and made me the man I am today.

And it’s not the gameday pressure.

Not at all.

I spent a good part of my life LIVING for that adrenaline rush.

No, the worst part was the INJURIES.

❌ Sprained ankles

❌ Dislocated shoulders

❌ Pulled hamstrings

It doesn’t matter how good you are, how strong you are, or how athletic you are…

EVERYONE got their bodies torn apart on the football field.

And by the time the end of the season came around, there wasn’t a single person who wasn’t “playing hurt” with some kind of a nagging injury.

That was by far the worst part.

The fact that you were just sore ALL the time…

And the fact that those injuries would often stick around.

But as I transitioned out of college football and into “civilian life”, I realized something.

It’s not just competitive athletes.

EVERYONE’S got some kind of nagging injury that they’re dealing with:

 Shoulder impingement

❌ Tendonitis

❌ Whiplash

❌ Repetitive motion injuries

❌ Knee pain

Whether it’s a gym injury or just the wear and tear you’ve accumulated through being a human being in 3rd density, almost everyone has something.

Almost everyone is “playing hurt” so to speak.

And how does the average person handle it?

They don’t.

Sure, maybe they go see their doctor (only to discover that he’s completely useless).

Maybe if they’re really proactive, they’ll seek out a physiotherapist.

But for most people, their solution to these nagging injuries is simple:

Suck it up and try to pretend that it’s not there until the pain just blends into the background.

And then try your hardest to make your way through the world and work around your “bad shoulder”, “bad knee” or “bad hip”.

Not good.

Now, if you’re part of the optimization and biohacking world, you’re a little smarter than the average person.

And you’re probably aware that peptides like BPC-157 and TB-500 can help turn these nagging injuries around.

But what if there was something BETTER?

Something that didn’t require an injection?

Something you could rub onto your injury any place, any time and it would start working IMMEDIATELY?

Boy have I got something for you 🙌

Here’s the back story on this bad boy…

A few months ago, my good friend and mentor Jay Campbell and I were approached by an intrepid entrepreneur who wanted our help promoting and selling his product.

The product in question?

Regenovive, a peptide bioregulator-infused topic cream designed specifically to help heal injuries.

Now, when it comes to peptides, you know that I’m FIRMLY on “team injection” and have very little patience for anyone who wastes their time on other ineffective “alternatives”.

So naturally, I was highly skeptical.

Until Jay and I started giving this stuff to people in our inner circle…

And watched them get crazy results.

And when I say crazy, I mean CRAZY.

Nasty, gnarly injuries that should have taken a few months to heal were completely resolved in a matter of days.

And then I tried it on myself following a nasty hamstring injury in the gym…

And watched it completely heal within 24 hours 😮

Look, if you want all the juicy details, check out this video Jay and I did a few days ago announcing Regenovive to the world.

But the deal is this.

From now until Tuesday June 18th at midnight PST or until we sell out (and supplies are VERY limited), you can get Regenovive for either:

👉$149 for a 50-gram jar (regularly priced at $249)

👉$499 for 4 jars (regularly priced at $799)

Look, I don’t know what nagging injury you’re dealing with.

But I’m willing to bef you’re dealing with SOMETHING.

Think about how long you’ve been dealing with it for, and much it’s hindering your quality of life…

Now just think of how nice it would be to have something you could just rub on it that could not only take the pain away but rapidly heal it from the inside out.

So you can get on with living life the way you’re supposed to…

Happy, healthy, and pain-free 😌

What’s that worth to you?


Hunter Williams