Peptides, hormones, and human potential

Unlocking your true self

This week was a VERY exciting week in my world.

Those of you who are checking these emails and in the know are aware that Jay Campbell and I did our first run of Regenovive, the world’s first peptide bioregulator healing cream…

And it was a RAVING success!

Which honestly doesn’t surprise me.

Given how absolutely crazy the results have been with me and the people in my inner circle, it’s not a shock that this stuff flew off the shelves.

And if you did purchase a jar, I can’t wait to hear all your stories about how it’s working for you 👊

Now, if you were privy to all of this, you know that sales of Regenovive stopped a few days ago.

The first batch is long gone, and we don’t know when the next one is coming down the pike.

So if you missed out on this, you’re just gonna have to keep your eyes peeled on your inbox (and don’t hesitate this time around 😉)

But today’s email isn’t actually about Regenovive.

It’s about something bigger.

It’s about your mindset, and how you think about optimization.

You see when we first announced Regenovive, there was a lot of skepticism around it.

“Uh, you’re trying to tell me that a CREAM can heal my tendons, ligaments, wounds, and cuts as well as injectable BPC-157 and TB-500 put together??

Riiiiight 🙄”

And I get it…

With all the regular scams that happen in the health and fitness world, the idea that such a product could possibly exist is a tall order in terms of believability.

Yet that’s EXACTLY what Regenovive does.

And once this stuff ends up in the hands of the chosen few who have purchased it, we’re gonna have the mindblowing testimonials to prove it.

But then again, that’s EVERYTHING in the optimization world.

Like Jay put it in one of his emails on Regenovive, this is the standard pattern for all of these amazing tip-of-the-spear interventions.

“Wait, you’re telling me I can increase my energy, improve my sleep, live longer, and cure my crippling depression and anxiety just by getting on testosterone?? I thought that was just for libido and muscles 🤨”

“Bro, you’re telling me a once-a-week shot can essentially delete the hunger button in my brain? Huh? Sema-whata-tide?? 🧐

And yet that’s exactly what both these things do.

Look, here’s what I think the problem is….

You’re not actually skeptical - you’re afraid.

You’re afraid of your OWN potential.

Let me put it to you this way.

Jay and I just wrapped up an absolutely epic six-part interview series with the legendary Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

And one of the most enlightening conversations we had with her was about religion and the way in which we’ve all been indoctrinated:

❌ We’ve been taught to be SMALL

❌ We’ve been taught not to “fly too close to the sun” or “get too big for our britches” -

It’s all a lie.

And it’s a lie that serves POWERFUL interests.

THEY want to keep you small.

THEY want to keep you meek.

THEY want to keep you from recognizing your true potential.

That’s why you’re “skeptical”.

It’s not that you don’t believe that these agents and interventions work…

It’s that you believe they won’t work for you.

And you’re afraid of what it would mean if they did.

The truth is this:

You are capable of doing TREMENDOUS things, both with your body and your mind:

✅ You are fully capable of taking control of your hormonal health with therapeutic testosterone

✅ You are fully capable of getting absolutely shredded in months, not years

✅ You are fully capable of creating pure magic with GLP-1 agonists, despite what your idiot doctor keeps telling you

But here’s the thing…

Just because you’re fully capable of doing it doesn’t mean that you actually will.

Because that urge to stay small and not rock the boat is strong.

But just know that if you do decide to succumb to it, you’ll be missing out on the absolute poetry that your body and mind are capable of expressing.

And THEY will be very pleased.


Hunter Williams