🏋️‍♂️ The Right (And Wrong) Way To Lift Weights

How to take ego out of the equation

I’ve always been a pretty strong guy.

Comes with the territory of being an absolute football FANATIC from a young age.

And if you know anything about football, you’ll know they get you in the weight room pretty early (for obvious reasons).

The problem?

A lot of the stuff they teach you is…well, not the best.

Heavy squats.

Heavy bench press.

Long, grueling workouts.

You know, all the standard meathead stuff you’d expect from a high school and college football player.

Now, don’t get me wrong…

It’s not like I didn’t get any results from these workouts.

Like I said, I was a pretty strong guy.

Certainly strong enough to play linebacker at a high level.

But it definitely was not ideal.

There are a number of problems with this approach to training, but the big one is this:

It’s absolutely TERRIBLE on your body 😡

Going into the weight room and grinding yourself into the dust workout after workout is NOT a sustainable way to train.

It’s brutal for your joints, and it's an injury waiting to happen

And unfortunately, I didn’t just do these workouts throughout the course of my football career…

I continued to train this way well after my career had ended, for no other reason than they felt like I HAD to.

What can I say - transitioning from being a high-level football player to living in normieville was ROUGH.

And continuing to put myself through these grueling, gladiator workouts was my way of keeping my ego pumped up.

It was my way of proving to the world (and myself) that I was “somebody”.

And I’m sure that a lot of you can relate to this.

Even if you didn’t play football, these kinds of workouts have slowly but surely become the “standard bro workouts” that most guys aspire to.

And at the end of the day, it’s a way to stroke your ego.


I got lucky.

Because once I got to my late 20s, I started to smarten up.

Don’t get it twisted - I still train HARD.

I work my butt off in the gym.

But it’s a different kind of intensity.

One that allows me to take my body to the absolute limit WITHOUT the wheels falling off when it’s all said and done.

But most guys aren’t so lucky.

Most guys who get stuck in bro land end up grinding month after month, year after year…

Until something finally snaps.

And then you’re stuck nursing an injury for the next 6 months (if you’re lucky).

Yeah - good luck making (or evening maintaining) gains when you’re laid out on the couch with a jacked up back.

Trust me, I’ve seen this happen to more guys than I can count.

Yes, if you’re in your 20s, you can get away with this kind of tomfoolery.

But once you hit 30, your margin or error gets MUCH smaller…

And your odds of something going snap city go through the roof.

And what’s worse?

It’s not even the best way to train. 

Again, let me be clear - you CAN build muscle and strength this way.

But it’s not very efficient.

And most people who do this will NEVER reach their full potential.

So, how should you train instead?

Glad you asked.

An intelligent, well-designed training program that will allow you to progress and make gains for DECADES has a few elements to it:

✅ Maximum control and an extreme emphasis on form

✅ Slow, deliberate movements

✅ Maximal contraction of the muscle fibers

And most importantly:

✅ The ability to take your sets to positive muscle failure

And the best part?

All of this can be done with significantly less time spent in the gym than you’re currently investing now.

Want to learn more?

Check out the full breakdown here.

This program was developed by my good friend and mentor Jay Campbell, and it’s an absolute game-changer.

⚠️ WARNING: This is NOT for the faint of heart

If you’ve never trained this way before, you’re in for a bit of a shock.

But over time you’ll get used to it…

And once you see the kind of results that a program like this offers, I guarantee you’ll never punch a ticket bro land ever again.

✅ And if you want some help setting up YOUR Positive Muscle Failure regimen


✅ You're feeling overwhelmed setting up a winning workout plan, diet model, hormone optimization strategy, and peptide protocol - ALL at the same time…

Then click HERE to book a 30 or 60-minute consultation with me, or find out if you’re a good fit for 1-1 coaching.


Hunter Williams