How To Spot A Fake Expert

Why clarity is key

If you keep up with Jay Campbell and I, you know one of our guilty pleasures is absolutely fake gurus.

Look, we both have a general policy to keep things positive with our content.

Because as far as we’re concerned, the absolute best way we can serve you is to INSPIRE.

To show you the things that are possible when you make your health and vitality a priority.

Because let’s face it - there are A LOT of frauds out there in the optimization space.

And those frauds are intentionally misleading the public, steering them towards their products and courses…

Which brings me to a question - what makes an expert an expert?

How can you spot someone who’s legit versus someone who’s a fraud?

It’s a good question, isn’t it?

Because there’s just SO MUCH info out there in health and fitness land.

And if you’re new to all of this, it’s hard to discern someone who sounds confident versus someone who actually knows what they’re talking about.

And how do you spot someone who is an expert?

Simple - clarity.

If you listen to most mainstream podcasts, they are anything but clear.

❌ They are INCREDIBLY confusing.

❌ They're littered with jargon, buzzwords and contradictory information.

❌ They regurgitate a million different studies at you but don’t provide context and deeper information for ANY of them

And the worst part?

By the time the podcast is finished, you’ve learned NOTHING.

You’re MORE confused and MORE anxious about the topic of health optimization.

And you’re certainly not ready to, you know, ACTUALLY use them.

Or, to put it more simply, you have a lot of information, but no actual knowledge.

Now, obviously there’s a line here.

If someone is making a complex topic like optimization overly simple, that’s clearly a massive red flag as well (“just take ashwagandha for testosterone bro” 😂

No, what you're looking for is someone who can take a very complex subject and bring a shocking amount of clarity to it while simultaneously making you think.

You should leave that conversation/podcast/piece of content feeling like your brain’s been stretched to the limit…and yet still feeling like everything is oh-so clear.

I know that was the case for me.

Before I started working with Jay, I was being pulled in a million different directions by so-called “health authorities”.

And I was a MESS. 

Because despite having a solid foundational understanding of human health, when it came to solving the issues that were plaguing me, I truly didn’t know which way was up.

In fact, I felt like with every month that went by, I understood even less - despite being buried to my neck in info (sound familiar?)

All of that changed with Jay.

As soon as I started working with him and taking his advice, it was a Eureka moment.

It was like all the clouds that had been building up for years had parted, and I could see everything with absolute clarity…

And I understand EXACTLY what my next step was.

And the step after that.

And the step after that.

And that’s what’s made me the person I am today.

An expert who strives to provide that same level of insight to the people I work with.

Someone who’s been through the process himself, knows how confusing it can be, and will do whatever it takes to bring an end to that confusion.

Think I might be able to help bring some clarity to YOUR situation?

Book a 30 or 60 minute call to consult with me, or consider working with me in a 1-1 coaching capacity

You can also check out the Fully Optimized Health Community for group coaching from Jay and I.

Join the nearly 400 biohackers who have come together to have their own moments of clarity…

And ACTUALLY make progress towards their goals.


Hunter Williams