đź©·Why I stick my neck out for peptidesđź©·

How to join the peptide revolution

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Most of you reading this know that my 2023 ended in a way that was…less than spectacular.

Remember back in the day when you used to have to manually save your work?

Before we all just started working on Google Docs?

You’d be up until midnight banging out a PowerPoint presentation, turn off your computer, and hit the hay…

Only to wake up the next morning and realize that you’d only saved half of it.

Yeah, well imagine that…but with HUNDREDS of hours of video 🤦‍♂️

For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, here’s the tragic story.

The day after Christmas, I woke up, went through my morning routine, and fired up my computer…

Only to realize that YouTube had completely deleted my channel.

Not a warning, not a strike, not a demonetization.

A full-scale DELETION.

Wiped from the annals of the internet.

And because we’re talking about copious amounts of video footage here, yours truly did NOT have everything backed up.


And the reason I was yanked from YouTube?

It wasn’t for the reasons that most people get pulled.

It wasn’t for trumped-up charges of hate speech.

Hell, it wasn’t even for criticizing the you-know-what.

No, it’s because I was promoting “harmful” substances...peptides.

In case you didn’t notice, a very healthy portion of my content was devoted to the wonders of therapeutic peptides.

Now, with that story out of the way, you may have taken the opportunity to checkout my NEW YouTube channel…

And you may have noticed that much of it is also centered on peptides.

Almost ALL of it in fact.

And you may be wondering why…

Didn’t I “learn my lesson”?

Why exactly have I decided to not only continue but to DOUBLE DOWN on peptide content despite this massive setback (and despite being well aware of the risks)?

Because it’s worth it.

It’s that simple.

As my good friend and mentor Jay Campbell likes to say, we’re currently living through the greatest Golden Age of health and vitality in history.

And peptides are at the forefront of that revolution.

I can honestly say that, with the exception of getting hormonally optimized, learning how to use peptides has been the single most transformative thing I’ve done on my own personal health journey.

But more importantly, I see the POTENTIAL.

I see that these agents have the power to heal the sick, and to fundamentally change our society in profoundly positive.

That’s why I will ALWAYS continue to put my neck on the line for them and educate people about their use.

And if you’re reading this email, chances are you feel the same.

So, if you want to help me spread the word far and wide, here’s what you can do to be part of the peptide revolution:

âś… Step #1: Share these videos with people you know

Yeah, yeah, I get it - most people would at least be a little apprehensive about sharing their material to a wide audience after they got popped by the YouTube gods.

Not me.

I want this material spread as far and wide as possible.

So, by all means, share this content with your friends, family or anybody else who you think needs it and will be receptive to it.

✅ Step #2: Become a “peptide case study”

If you’ve ever tried to talk about peptides with people, I’m sure you’ve noticed - they tend to be more than a little skeptical.

Education’s great.

Like I just said, I strongly encourage you to share this information wherever you can.

But for most people?

It’s not enough to simply have the benefits explained to them - they want PROOF.

And as they say, the proof is in the pudding.

So, lead by example with your own health, and SHOW the world what’s possible with these incredible agents.

Don’t know where to start?

👉 For purchasing peptides, the only place I recommend is Limitless Life Nootropics (use code hunter15 for 15% off)

👉 You can also get my free list of supplement resources HERE

👉 And if you’re REALLY ready to step your health game up, you can book a 30 or 60 minute call and consult with me, or work with me in a 1-1 coaching capacity


Hunter Williams