Is It Still POSSIBLE To Naturally Raise Testosterone?

The cold hard truth

One of the questions I’m frequently asked is whether or not it’s possible to “naturally” raise your testosterone.

And unfortunately, this question is typically asked by the same people:

The people who are DEATHLY afraid of therapeutic testosterone.

The people who will do everything and anything to AVOID making this big decision.

This is the “if I just eat lots of steak, take my magnesium, and sun my balls, I don’t need TOT” crowd 😂

And usually, if someone is asking this question, it means they’re at the end of their rope.

Because by the time you’re hopping on the internet and asking someone like me something like this, it means you’ve already tried…

And you’re desperately checking in to see if there’s something you missed.

So, let me put this to you bluntly:


For the VAST majority of men (I’m talking 95%+), naturally raising your testosterone is no longer possible.

Now, you may have noticed I used the phrase “no longer possible”, and there’s a good reason for that.

Historically, naturally raising your testosterone was indeed possible…

At least, for a specific segment of guys.

These were usually guys in their 20s, 30s, and maybe early 40s.

And for these men, if they were diligent and did all the standard stuff (eat clean, get better sleep, use a water filter, etc) they had a decent chance of getting this problem handled without having to go the therapeutic route.

Those days are GONE.

The environment we live in is so toxic, and so contaminated, that it’s literally impossible to fight against it naturally.

Trust me, I’ve seen this happen.

I’ve been through it myself, I’ve seen it in guys my age - it’s not a pretty picture.

Shoot, even men on therapeutic testosterone aren’t getting the same results they used to!

That’s right - the standard TOT protocols that we used to lean on are no longer working as well as they used to.

And we’re finding we’re having to bring out the big guns if we really want to get this problem fixed.

So, there’s my answer:

Unless you’re living off the grid in the rain forests of Costa Rica or the Mongolian Steppe, it’s probably not gonna happen for you.

Does it mean you shouldn’t try?

Of course not!

You can give it a shot.

By all means, improve your diet, fix your sleep hygiene, limit your exposure to environmental toxins, optimize your training regimen (all things you should be doing anyway).

But if you’ve been trying for more than a month or two and NOTHING is changing, then at a certain point you’ve got a decision to make…

Do you want to keep spinning your wheels?

Or are you ready to finally take that next step?

If you chose the second option, then the good news is that I can help.

Working with guys to get their TOT protocols in place and choose the right doctor is one of my specialties, and it’s one of the services I provide in my 1-1 coaching.

You can also check out joining the Fully Optimized Health Community for hormone information, doctor recommendations, and premium content not available to the general public.

Every Tuesday, Jay and I do a live Q&A where you can bring all your questions.

You even can privately message us and w the hundreds of live call recordings we have done through the years.


Hunter Williams