Testosterone and Gratitude 😌

Why optimization changes everything

Back in the day when I was slinging houses, I would listen to lots of selp-help material to pump myself up.

Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill - all the usual suspects 😉 

While I consider some of this material surface level now, I still honestly feel that many of the lessons gleaned from my early exposure to self-help have been invaluable to my development.

But the one thing that would grind my gears to no end?


These guys would talk about gratitude nonstop.

And I HATED it.

With a passion.

“Dude - easy for YOU to be grateful when you’ve got millions of dollars in the bank.”

And why did that irk me so much?

Because I was muddling through the abyss of my testosterone deficiency.

And, like every man suffering from a crippling hormonal deficiency, I was MISERABLE.

Sure, I could INTELLECTUALLY understand it:

✅ I was born in a developed country, not slaving away in some mine in South Asia for a dollar a day

✅ I had plenty of food and never had to go hungry (at least, not on purpose)

✅ I lived in an apartment with heat, running water, electricity, and a stable internet connection

Even by a lot of “first-world metrics,” I was doing ok:

✅ I had a great body (despite my abysmal testosterone levels)

✅ I had (and still have) a supportive family that loved me

✅ I was starting to see pretty significant success in the world of real estate

But try as I might, I couldn’t do it…

I couldn’t EMOTIONALLY connect with the idea that I was deeply fortunate.

I couldn’t FEEL the feeling of gratitude.

And it pissed me off that other people could.


I feel DEEPLY grateful.

I’m grateful for the life I have.

I’m grateful for my family and friends.

I’m grateful that I get to do the things I love each day.

In fact, you could strip away ALL of my success and ALL of the things that I have going for me now, and I would STILL be eternally grateful.

I’d be grateful simply to wake up in the morning, breathe air into my lungs, and greet the day.

I’d be grateful simply to be present in this moment.

So what changed?

Simple - the hormones.

Within a few short weeks of being hormonal optimized, everything just “clicked.”

I had that moment of clarity.

That moment when I realized what all those self-help gurus had been talking about all along.

Simply put, I felt a profound connection with the universe and the life force around me.

At the time, it was both profound and shocking.


It’s still profound - but it’s not the least bit surprising.

This is just what happens when you get your hormones optimized.

It’s not a “physical thing” (at least not entirely)

It’s a SPIRITUAL one.

Hormones enable you to connect with your higher self.

To experience reality (and your place in it) as you were supposed to.

To experience your TRUE nature.

And when it happens, it’s like the clouds part, the sun beams through, and you see what’s been in front of you the whole time:

That you are a resonant being, placed in this realm to evolve and grow your soul.

And that’s MORE than enough to be grateful for 😌

Want to learn more about this?

This is something that I go deep on in my brand new book Testosterone: The God Molecule.

And if you order in the next few days, you’ll get access to an exclusive webinar with Jay Campbell and me next Tuesday, October 8th, at 8 PM.

👉 All you have to do is buy the book, leave a solid review, and send a screenshot of your review to [email protected]

We’ll send you the webinar access on the day of, so keep your eyes peeled on your inbox 👊


Hunter Williams