Testosterone, Chicken, and Eggs

Which one comes first?

If there’s one thing I’m known for, it’s stressing the importance of lifestyle as the primary lever for improving health.

Truth be told, this is not always in my best interest.

I potentially could have a VASTLY larger audience if I just told you guys what you want to hear:

That peptides and hormones are magic pills that allow you to reap all of the benefits of optimization without any of the work.

This is, of course, is a fallacy.

But it’s very much what most people want to be told.

Hence why, despite the incredible growth I’ve experienced over the last few years, I‘m still relatively niche (and that’s the way I like it).

Nonetheless, “lifestyle first” is a limiting principle.

This is something I’ve covered before…

And the objection goes something like this:

“Hunter, if all this lifestyle stuff works so well, waddaya need hormones for? 🤷‍♂️”

Here’s why - the modern environment is so toxic and hostile to healthy hormonal production that it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to raise hormones back to sufficient levels naturally.

You can eat all the grass-fed beef, lift all the weights, and sleep in a pitch-black cryo chamber all you want - NOTHING is going to undo the damage our environment is doing to us.

But let’s assume for a moment that none of that is true.

Look, I get it…

Some of you are skeptical of this claim, but hear me out.

A quick glance around is all you need to know: all is not well in 21st-century America.

But let’s assume I’m wrong and the environment is not a complete dealbreaker for healthy testosterone levels.

You should STILL be using therapeutic testosterone.

And it’s STILL almost impossible to correct this naturally.

Let’s do a quick roundup of all the things that contribute to healthy hormone production:

✅ Sufficient sleep

✅ A good diet with high-quality protein and healthy fat

✅ Restricted amounts of clean (i.e. no processed bullshit) carbohydrates

✅ Resistance training

✅ Body fat reduction

And so on.

Now, assuming the environment isn’t a factor, could you fix these without the help of therapeutic testosterone?

Yes…IF you have healthy testosterone levels.


For those of you who are dealing with (or suspect you’re dealing with) a crippling deficiency, let me ask you:

How well do you sleep?

Pretty bad, right?

Well, what have you done about it?

🤔 Have you tried going to bed early?

🤔 Have you tried sleeping in a pitch-black room?

🤔 Have you tried unplugging from technology before bed?

I’m willing to bet that most of you have tried these practices - and you’re STILL not sleeping great.

So, if sleep is important for testosterone - and you can’t sleep because you have low testosterone…

How are you supposed to fix your sleep and raise your testosterone?

It's kind of the chicken or the egg question.

And this doesn’t just apply to sleep, it applies to EVERYTHING.

👎 If you can’t sleep, you don’t have the energy to work out

👎 If you don’t have the energy to work out, you can’t build muscle

👎 And if you can’t build any muscle, it’s almost impossible to lose fat

See how it works?

ALL of this is interconnected.

So, the next time someone tells you to “just get your lifestyle together,” understand it’s true…

But it may not be enough.


Hunter Williams