So You Have A Testosterone Deficiency...Now What?

How to fix this once and for all

In many ways, I got lucky with my testosterone deficiency.

Sounds like a pretty weird thing to say, right?

Especially when you consider how rough mine was.

But in the grand scheme of things, I really do think that I lucked out.

At the end of the day, discovering therapeutic testosterone was ultimately the event that got me “all in” on biohacking and optimization.

But I’m also grateful not just because I had a testosterone deficiency, but because mine was so BRUTAL.

Look, low T is now the norm in modern society.

📉 The average 20-year-old male today has the testosterone levels of a 75-year-old man from 50 years ago.

Take a moment and that that sink in.

The problem?

Most men have no clue this is happening to them.

Think about the common symptoms:

❌ Brain fog

❌ Low energy

❌ Depression

❌ Diminished sex drive

In my case?

These came on hard and fast (that’s what happens when you’re dealing with brain trauma from years of getting your head smacked around in football).

I knew something was wrong.

And as soon as I made the connection and got my bloodwork done, the lightbulb immediately went off 💡

But most guys aren’t that “lucky”.

Most guys don’t have symptoms that hit them like a freight train.

No, for the vast majority of males, it’s a slow, creeping progression.

They start small enough…

But over the course of months and years, they just get worse and worse…

To the point where it almost become “normal”.

You know something’s not quite right, and you know this is NOT how you felt two years ago…

But it all happened so slowly that you just shrug your shoulder and think “well dang…maybe this is just how it is 🤷‍♂️”

So if you think I’ve just described you, then pay very close attention…

What’s happening to you is NOT normal.

I don’t know you.

I’ve never met you, I don’t know your situation, and I certainly haven’t seen your blood work.

But I will tell you this:

If what I’ve just described sounds like what you’re experiencing, there’s a very good chance you are indeed suffering from a testosterone deficiency.

And yes, that’s true even if you’re a young guy (remember that stat I dropped at the beginning of this email?)

The good news?

Because this is now so incredibly common, you are not alone.

Not even close.

And you may be tempted to run out and book an appointment with one of the many TRT clinics that have sprung up to meet this terrifying new demand.

After all, if low T is the source of your problems, then getting on TRT ASAP is exactly what you need to do to fix it, right?

Yeah…not so fast.

Because not all testosterone docs are created equal.

Take it from someone who’s been there before - the vast majority of these places are fly-by-night clinics, run by “doctors” who don’t know the first thing about male hormones.

And trust me when I say, your hormones are not something you want to role the dice on.

So, what should you do?

How do you find a competent doctor who can not just treat your testosterone, but OPTIMIZE it?

Glad you asked.

A big part of my health coaching practice is dealing with exactly these kinds of issues.

I work with a ton of guys who are in the exact same boat you’re in.

Not only do I have a “sixth sense” for bullshit clinics, but I’ve also been fortunate enough to build up a powerful network of educated practitioners.

Want to get started?

Click HERE to apply and see if you’re a fit for coaching.

You can also schedule a 30-minute or 60-minute consultation with me HERE.

And if that’s a little out of your price range, the next best move is to join the Fully Optimized Health community.

This community was the brainchild of my friend and mentor Jay Campbell, and it’s something that I’m heavily involved in.

From weekly AMAs and regular webinars to clinic recommendations, this community really is ground zero for anyone looking to level up their health.


Hunter Williams