Testosterone Makes You Less of a Man?

The weirdest argument against TOT

Testosterone is THE hormone that makes men MEN.

Your ultimate connection with masculinity.

So, isn’t it logical then that OPTIMIZING for and increasing this vital hormone would make you…

You know, MORE of a man?

Of course.

Perfectly logical.

And yet there are guys out there that don’t just disagree but suggest the OPPOSITE.

Guys who believe that taking therapeutic testosterone will make you LESS of a man.


That makes two of us 😂 

But as far as I can tell, the logic works something like this…

Testosterone is what confers all of the masculine secondary sex characteristics that make us male.

That much we agree on.

But what many of these guys would argue is that it should just happen “naturally”.

That you should either be blessed enough to have high testosterone OR, if you’re one of the unlucky ones (i.e. almost everyone in the modern world), you should strive to raise it naturally.

And if you do decide to go the route of using exogenous testosterone?

Well then, you’re not really a man now, are you?

After all, what kind of man needs an injection or a cream to make him manly?

The argument goes something like that 😂

And you know what?

I agree!

You SHOULD be able to do this naturally.

And you SHOULDN’T need to use exogenous hormones as a crutch…

In a perfect world.

In a perfect word world, you’d just waltz on into your doctor’s office if you had symptoms of low T, and he’d look at you and go “ah son, just get some more sleep, eat some beef liver, and lift some weights - give it a few weeks and you’ll be right at as rain”

And you that’s exactly what would happen if you followed those instructions.

Well, guess what - those days are long gone.

Almost NOBODY is able to do that.

The environment is too contaminated, the food supply is too poisoned, there are too many plastics in the environment…

As I’ve said many, MANY times, everything is conspiring AGAINST you having optimized hormones.

Want to know the truth?

The guys who can “do this naturally” are rare.

Like, REALLY rare.

Perhaps 5% of the population (and that’s being generous).

So, if you want to redefine manliness to completely exclude 95% of the population, be my guest.

But I ain’t buying it.

Because do you want to know what else is a masculine trait?


That ability to look around you, scan the environment, and make the best of what you’ve got.

That ability to connect the dots and come up with new and creative solutions.

And that’s exactly what we’ve done with exogenous hormones.

It’s the resourceful man’s solution to the testosterone collapse.

It’s being able to take an absolutely HORRIFIC situation, look it in the face, and go “you know what, I can make this work”

So, if you’re on the fence about starting this because you’re worried that some people will think you’re less masculine, then all I can say is that you’ve got both your priorities and your mindset BACKWARDS…

And Testosterone: The God Molecule will help you get your head back on straight.

Order now and you’ll get access to an exclusive webinar with Jay Campbell and me next Tuesday, November 8th at 8 PM

👉 Just buy the book, leave a solid review (5 starts if you got value from it), and send a screenshot of your review to [email protected]

Do that and we’ll shoot you over the webinar details on Tuesday.


Hunter Williams

P.S. A NEW episode of FOH LIVE is being aired tonight at 8pm EST with special guest Dr. Amy Coleman!

Dr. Coleman will be joining us to discuss how Ancient Eastern Philosophies can help heal the incoherent frequencies of the physical avatar body.

Don't miss this must-see broadcast on listening to your body's meridian systems so you can optimize your mind, body, and soul.