There's No Turning Back

Is testosterone a lifelong commitment?

It’s now been a few days since my brand new book Testosterone: The God Molecule officially dropped.

And that means that your window of time to get this bad boy PLUS access to an exclusive webinar with Jay and I for just $0.99 is coming to a close.

As a reminder, to get in on this deal, you must:

👉 Leave a solid review, and send a screenshot of your review to [email protected]

Attend the webinar Tuesday, October 15th at 8 PM EST (we had to reschedule because Jay was forced to evacuate his home due to Hurricane Milton)

We’ll send you the webinar access later this week, so keep your eyes peeled on your inbox 👊

I’ve busted A LOT of testosterone myths:

❌ The myth that it’s “cheating”

❌ The myth that it makes you “less of a man”

❌ The myth that you can do just as well naturally (technically possible, but only for a tiny number of guys)

But let me tell you, this one’s a doozie!

I call it “the myth of no return”…

Once you start on therapeutic testosterone, you have to stay on it FOREVER.

And for a lot of guys, they’re not willing to commit.

“Hunter, I do NOT want to be stuck taking this stuff for the rest of my life.”

I get it.

Forever is a long time.

If you told me that once I started something, regardless of what it was, I’d have to take it INDEFINITELY or face serious repercussions, I’d certainly think long and hard before starting as well.

But here’s the thing…

It isn’t true.

The theory goes something like this…

Once you start using exogenous hormones, your body recognizes something is up.

It figures out that its testosterone is being supplied externally and that it no longer needs to produce its own.

Which is technically accurate.

The problem is that many people believe this is a PERMANENT state of affairs.

That your body will NEVER recover its ability to produce testosterone naturally.


While everyone is different, the fact of the matter is that once you stop using testosterone, over time, the vast majority of men will see their levels go right back to where they were before therapy.

Which, in the case of most guys, is in the toilet.

But I digress.

But let’s assume that NONE of that was true.

Let’s assume that you did indeed need to continue taking testosterone indefinitely or face a life of hormonal misery (like you aren’t already 🙄)

Do you really think that’s going to happen right away?

Do you think you take one or two injections, and your body goes, “Welp, guess we don’t need LH and FSH anymore? Better just shut the whole operation down!”


Even the most prominent purveyors of this myth will admit that this doesn’t just happen in the first few weeks.

It doesn’t even happen in the first few months.

It takes a good while before your body recognizes that this is happening and decides to shut down the factory.

If, for some reason, you give therapeutic testosterone a shot and find that it’s not for you, you can discontinue therapy in the early weeks or months and suffer very few problems returning to previous levels.

Or, you know, get a better doctor who knows what they’re doing and how to manage the transition properly 🤦‍♂️

So, there you go.

Myth busted.

What’s that?

You’re STILL worried about this.

I thought you might be…

Because at the end of the day, I don’t think that all of the “science stuff” is the issue.

I think it runs deeper.

I think deep down, a lot of guys aren’t scared of the effects that testosterone will have on their bodies…

They’re worried about the effects it will have on their lifestyle.

They’re scared of making the commitment because of the responsibility this therapy entails and the perceived sacrifices they’ll have to make.

In reality, it IS a commitment.

And it will change the way you live your life…

Want to find out why?

Pick up Testosterone: The God Molecule NOW for $0.99 and find out.


Hunter Williams