Tirzepatide SLAYS Semaglutide In New Study

Hate to say I told you so, but...

It’s always nice when “the science” catches up to what you already know from EXPERIENCE.

It happens in my world all the time.

What’s that?

Have high-protein diets suddenly been shown to be superior for appetite control, muscle retention, and long-term metabolic health?


What’s that?

It turns out that the microbiome is really important and that the gut-brain axis is real?

Uh, yeah…biohackers have been saying that for the last two decades.

Well, turns out we’ve been vindicated yet again:

Here’s a VERY quick rundown of this study.

After looking at over 18,000 US health records of patients on semaglutide and tirzepatide, researchers found that:

✅ 82% of patients on tirzepatide saw 5% or greater weight loss, compared to 67% of semaglutide subjects

✅ 62% on tirzepatide lost 10% or more, while just 37% on semaglutide did the same

✅ 42% on tirzepatide saw 15% or greater weight loss compared to 18% on semaglutide

✅ At 12 months, the average tirzepatide patient lost 7% more weight than the average semaglutide patient

Gee, does a dual-receptor agonist work better than a single mechanism of action?

Who would have guessed? 🙄

Oh yeah - all the biohackers like me and Jay Campbell who have been using both in real-time with our clients and community members.

Now, if you think I’m here to gloat, you’d be mistaken.

At least partly.

We ALL knew this.

If you’ve been following Jay and me and have any experience with these two agents, you know well that tirzepatide is INFINITELY more effective than semaglutide.

✅ It’s better at appetite suppression

✅ It has fewer side effects

✅ It has the added benefit of gut remodeling (I now have a PERMANENTLY smaller appetite than I did previously, thanks to the effects this had on my gut health)

So yeah, I’m glad that all lab coats have finally figured this out…

But if more people had listened to experts like Jay and me rather than getting their information from the official “experts,” they probably would have saved themselves a lot of time (and have more than a few pounds less fat).

Now, let me conclude this email with this.

First, if you didn’t stock up on tirzepatide, it’s too late.

But it’s not the end of the world.

And yes, another bigger, badder GLP-1 with even more bells and whistles is right around the corner.

But you’re stuck without this magical elixir for AT LEAST the next 6 months.

So next time we sound the alarm and tell you something amazing is going bye-bye, you should probably spring into action quicker.

Secondly, staying on top of this intel is CRITICAL.

The brain-melting efficacy of tirzepatide over semaglutide is something that we’ve been covering in the Fully Optimized Health Community for well over a year now.

That’s why nearly everyone in that group pounced as soon as the cease and desist letter from Eli Lily dropped, and all the research companies had to stop selling it.

And yes, Jay and I announced it in the group well ahead of the general public.

Want to get this kind of intel early?

FOH is the ONLY place on the internet covering peptides at this depth.


Hunter Williams